HE’s STILL giving it as of your POST.
WTF? Hey! I thought that Supreme Emperor of the World Caliphate Barack Hussein Mohammed Ali Obama Soetoro was going to lead the country until he died…or forever? I saw that on FOX! Alex Jones still says it’s so. Did I miss a memo?
Sorry to Bernie’s army! ~snort!~
Good. Now it’s time to move on and focus on Trump and the Republican lunatics who want to build digital walls, end all public education, privatize Social Security, and abolish the National Park system, among other things.
The large majority of Sanders supporters will vote for Clinton. I don’t give a shit if it’s enthusiastically or not myself, as long as they vote. The remaining dead-enders who claim Clinton is just as bad as Trump aren’t worth arguing with or worrying about.
HitLAry IS going TO Be PResiDEnt ANd Barry Hussein WILL be EMporer and THEY will TAKE away our GUNs and BibeLS.
Thank you Bernie.
When Jill Stein completes shi**ing a brick (a brick of fine straw & organic composted materials she made herself), she will not let this betrayal by Bern’ go unavenged!
She is at this moment preparing a basket of organically grown tomatoes to throw at her autographed picture of Sanders.
*Update: I knew it! rotflmao
And stop porn…that’s a crisis
Assault rifles and armor piercing bullets are OK though
Scut Farkus is having a temper tantrum now that Sanders has endorsed Clinton…
And stop porn…that’s a crisis
TPM has been my porn lately, and it is a crisis for my work productivity.
Our long national spitemare is over.
Excellent! Now, onto Trump and the Repubs. I want all 3 Branches if I can get them
Are you sure? StopClownPornNow.org has been offline for some time. I just figured it was because its no longer a crisis.
(Yes…it was a real site back in the day)
Not saying this took forever, but for something so inescapably inevitable, it took forever.
The Sanders troops just got sooooo’ caught up in Bernie Math…well, it was an inevitable delay!
Maybe now Jane Sanders will dial it back a little.
I HEAr that BerNIE traDEs endorsement for MAKing JAne Secretary OF Education.
Now I hope he’ll go out on the trail for Clinton. There are some places where he could make a difference.