Discussion: Sanders Claims DACA Recipients Won't Become Deportation 'Priority'

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Well, sure, 'cause we really believe it when Huckster-Shyster says it, right?


I’m waiting for her to bail from the administration or to use a metaphor from her dad:


Speaking of the “other” Sanders:

New Clinton book blasts Sanders for ‘lasting damage’ in 2016 race


Could there be possibly be a connection?

Immigrants are sought for labor shortage in Harvey recovery


Naaaah, it’s just a coinkydink.


Still wondering why ICE hasn’t picked up Trump’s wifey.


Cue footage of gun-toting ICE agents storming into college lecture halls and office conference rooms.


So, Glower is saying they’ll be using prosecutorial discretion to give tracking down Dreamers a lower priority than, say, people with criminal records? Is that what she’s saying they’re going to do once they rescind that terrible Obama thing?


“Trump issued an executive order prioritizing for deportation essentially every undocumented immigrant in the country.”

Was it just me, or did Sarah sound like she kept saying, “the president’s Dachau decision”?


The excerpts I have read aren’t that bad, but boy howdy…they sure got Maggie the Fluffer in a snit over the weekend. She was full of whines and pouts on twitter about it all weekend.

I honestly don’t understand how she stays employed. Her complete lack of professionalism should have gotten her canned a long time ago. But I guess…the NYT has dropped its standards so low that even she can crawl over their bar.


Trump lackey and liar Sanders cannot be relied upon for anything, much less this phony assertion. Trump and Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III (R-Confederacy) plan to expeditiously deport to countries they don’t know these 800,000 law abiding young people unless a legislative fix is exacted.


So Sanders, you have to tell us - how does it feel fucking the devil every day?


She is bald facing lying here. Sessions abrupt about face when asked the same question earlier is the answer. Of course they are going to use the fact that these people are on the record to make them a top priority…low hanging fruit and all. And to achieve the real sinister part of this ploy, ensure that immigrants NEVER trust registering with the government for anything again…including voter registration.

@demosthenes59 There will be no legislative fix. She made that perfectly clear…Trump will not sign off on a DACA only bill, only upon a full immigration reform bill. Which is never going to happen. Not the least because in Trump’s mind such a reform bill should include rounding up actual Americans with suspiciously sounding Hispanic names and exporting them, too. Like Judges who don’t rule in his favor.


I’ve been seeing that bouncing around all day. And I have absolutely no doubt that it’s yet another example of media shit-stirring rather than an accurate portrayal of what she actually said. I have abandoned Raw Story for the day because of it. I just can’t.


Oh, poor gimlet-eyed Sarah, trying real hard to soften the blow.


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Dreamers won’t be “prioritized” for deportation?

Maybe not. But they won’t be protected from it, either, and they’ll face deportation when there’s contact with immigration or law enforcement. Which means they will live in fear. They will avoid contact with authorities. They will NEVER be able to report a crime to police, even to assist a neighbor in distress.

They will pay taxes in, but not receive services back, even when there’s a desperate need. And they can never make plans to start a business or realize the “American Dream”.

So no, not a priority. Except for political posturing.
Instead, a permanent under-class, living in fear, living in the shadows.


For anyone who believes this, I have a million $ to give away…
Just as they were only going to deport the “bad hombres” and illegals with criminal convictions.


Right skin color.

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Her behavior is very fitting with the current climate at the once good and ethical NYT.

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