Discussion: Sanders Claims DACA Recipients Won't Become Deportation 'Priority'

A whole of people are going to have no trouble meeting their quotas for as long as there are any of the 800,000 remaining. I wouldn’t have agreed six months ago, but I’m coming around to the idea of disbanding ICE and starting over with a new agency and fresh personnel.

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What fucking good does it do to be assured you’re not a target for deportation if you have “DO NOT HIRE!” tattooed on your forehead?!


These people ARE ALWAYS bold face lying. It’s their norm.


I don’t understand how otherwise sensible people hold her in high regard.
I saw one person saying that if the left and right don’t like what you write, you must be doing well (as a journalist).
First of all, that’s a horrible standard to aply at any time; these days, it’s just a confirmation that Maggie and her ilk use a false sense of balance to measure their reportage.
What I really hate are the completely unverifiable claims about the mindstates of people in the WH. Something like “Trump really loves the Dreamers. He’s deeply conflicted, but feels obligated to right the ship of state”.
By the way, there are reports that Trump has no idea of the consequences of his decision on DACA. This may be why he wasn’t allowed to make the announcement himself.


If Trump was tasked with announcing the time of the day White House aides would doubt the wisdom of giving him the assignment.


My biggest objection is their (Maggie and Glenn Thrush) reliance on Jared and Ivanka. If Eric and Don Jr were a bit savvier Haberman and Thrush would be penning puff pieces about them, too.


Somehow I get the feeling that Trump admin officials will be a priority at the pearly gates, with agents at the ready to send them down where they belong.

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She a liar… This was/is Trump’s plan from day one when he signed his EO “Muslims Ban”.
This is the systematic deliberate removal of ethnic and religious communities under the disguise of Nat’l security and economy security. Better know as “Ethnic Cleansing”. It’s straight out of Hitler era known as “The Final Solution”.


I"m afraid there’s going to be a loooooooong line in front of the admin officials because first all the Evangelicals have be to sent to hell, then the Trump admin.

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It’s too late for her to write “In defense of Nepotism”, which was already penned by a Bellow spawn with almost no public profile, but maybe she could recast it with the title “In defense of plagiarism”?
Honestly, isn’t she just a clone of Judith Miller?
When and if Trump starts the PR push towards war wit Iran, you can bet that Maggie will be carrying the aluminum tubes to the party.


I’ll have to read this. Anything written by a man who cooked squirrels in a popcorn popper while in college should be amusing.


if he ate the brains, he’s at risk for mad squirrel disease (no joke).


You have to wonder about a system where a Supreme Being judges you harshly and metes out punishment for doing something he gave you the free will to do. After a few holocausts, pogroms, massacres, genocides, wars and assorted other atrocities I might review my policies just a bit. Even the fricking idiots you created thought of seat belts. Jesus Christ!!!


I really really really want to get Left Behind.

I wish that fraud would come get his goddamn followers, Rapture them out of here. It’s more than fine with me.


So day I think we need some Godly smiting, lightening bolts, cruciatus cruses,or sandworms please pick one and get on with it.

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So her excuse is, basically, that it’s just lazy pandering?

This is Trump is holding the republican party hostage…either he gets a win or he throws there collective butts under the bus come 11/18… quite the high stakes desperate measure…

I wonder why Sarah never read her dad’s book?

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I can only imagine what it must be like to be in this situation. To grow up in a culture only to find out that you are not officially part of that culture. To have a pathway to citizenship. And then have that pathway removed. To be called an “Illegal”, and to be told that as long as you are unimportant, you won’t be deported.

In what way is this statement reassuring.


Sanders should be a deportation priority.

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