Discussion: Sanders Aide: We're Right To Say Clinton Questioned Sanders' Qualifications

sigh. Jesus Christ on a crutch, would someone please make it stop!


What did Josh say? A malign influence?
To put it mildly


Alternate headline:

“Paid Candidate Hack Defends Hack Candidate”


Is the chicken sufficiently choked yet?

No, not yet. Oh, well…


So much here.

First of all, just shut up. Stop talking. Stop digging. It’s not helping.

Secondly, the size of the balls on this campaign, to spend how many months insinuating Hillary is bought and paid for by Wall Street, remember when Bernie actually said that a Goldman Sachs commercial was not an attack add because Hillary was not mentioned by name? And he’s going to say out loud that SHE has training in “how to say a lot of things without actually saying them.” I think we’re redefining hypocrisy here.


I keep wanting to read about issues, but I guess TPM really never cared much about issues, it’s the horse race they want to cover. But Hey, the Democratic party is looking more and more like the Republican party, so abandoning issues is just one step along the road.


Man, these motherfuckers are clueless. Hey guys: Hole. Dig. Stop.


I have long had a negative reaction to this guy when I’ve seen him on tv. Now I am feeling that he is a real problem for the Sanders campaign. Obviously he doesn’t believe in Sen Sanders’ previous “I will never run a negative campaign” promise and is the driving force behind the nastiness and untruths that the Senator is currently engaged in. Sanders needs to take a hard look in the mirror - does Weaver really represent you, Senator, and is this what you want your campaign to be?


[Weaver seemed to acknowledge in an interview with MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell that Clinton never said explicitly that Sanders was unqualified. He argued that Clinton had training in "how to say a lot of things without actually saying them]

The people who would fall for this pap, Hill wouldn’t get anyway.

If this guy is any indication of the type of Press Secretary Bernie would have as Prex, we would be in World War Five in no time.


Shut up Jeff…you were not ‘right’.


Clinton criticized Sanders for not being able to articulate how he would accomplish the goals he has proclaimed for months. Columnist Paul Waldman recharacterized that criticism as Sander s being “unqualified”. Then Bernie went nuts and ranted at Hillary without any basis. Now Sanders’ people try to justify his tantrum.


Cute word games?

" that she thinks that I am quote-unquote ‘not qualified to be president’.”

Here’s a cute word game, arrange these words to make a sentence - DID NOT SHE


The Sanders campaign has not jumped the shark with this issue. It has leapt over the entire fucking aquarium.


Yes – let’s get back to issues… please let the Sanders campaign in on that.


He either needs someone to get him some Scrabble tiles or a Magic Eight Ball.


This joker acting like a four year old (and also as a Sanders spokesperson) is as much an issue as Climate Change.

Especially if this kind of petulance hampers the Democratic Party’s ability to win in 2016 (which would usher in an era of calamity unseen in human history).


There is plenty of issue covering. However you seem to be in a bit of denial about what is going on. IT IS A HORSE RACE. THEY ARE ALWAYS HORSE RACES. And to say the Democrats are becoming more like the Republicans is just bloody absurd in the extreme.


This is a big mistake, and it looks like the campaign is going to follow through on it so they think it’s a winning proposition. It’s not…Clinton has, and continues to be, respectful towards Sanders. Her pointing out that he doesn’t seem to have followed through on the consequences of his positions and the actions required to follow his policies is what she is supposed to do as a candidate, just as he is supposed to. She stuck to the issues, while the Sanders campaign is, more and more, falling towards character assassination. They must think they can win by going negative…choosing to do that right before a bunch of closed primaries isn’t smart. I think they are starting to believe their own press about creating a “revolution”.


Yet another indication that Sanders is “ill prepared”, “unsuited” and losing.

BTW – the Constitution states the qualifications for President: natural born citizen, over 35. Bernie gets the latter by 2.

People don’t vote on qualifications – they vote on readiness and whether or not they can envision a candidate as President. I can’t imagine Sanders, Cruz or Trump as President. I can with Clinton.