It’s a presidential campaign. It IS an issue. And the Sanders campaign bungled it badly. They fucked up royally, especially after the measured response from the Clinton campaign wherein she said she would “take Sanders over Trump or Cruz anytime”.
Judging by the boneheaded ripostes on this site favouring Sanders, I see why Bernie thinks it wins.
It’s opposition without DEPTH of thought. Just sloganeering and emotion. In this, I can almost see the contempt for his followers’ intelligence.
Thank God, Eisenhower was Eisenhower in 1944 and not Sanders.
Clinton went out of her way not to say that, while being essentially baited into doing so. If she wanted to say Sanders was unqualified, that’s what she would’ve said. The criticism she gave of him was based on substantive issues and was well in-bounds for a presidential campaign.
It’s not just Jeff Weaver, I’m sure the campaign worked out these talking points last night thinking it would clean up their mess.
Bernie Sanders: “Are you qualified to be president of the U.S. when you’re raising millions of dollars from Wall Street, an entity whose greed, recklessly and illegal behavior helped destroy our economy?”
Jeff Weaver: “Are you qualified to be president of the United States when you’re raising millions of dollars from Wall Street?”
Someone should check to make sure @sniffit is okay.
Nothing Sanders says could hurt Hillary half as much as what her supporters say every day. Everybody knows that when you’re asking people to vote for your favorite candidate in the general, first you insult them, then you slander their heroes, and then they vote just the way you asked. Well, at least that’s how it works in the mind a a few regular posters here. Convince them your candidate agrees with them on the issues? Nah, too much work. Easier to just paint the opponent as a cartoon of a WWF bad guy, we don’t need issues. But hey, president Trump will probably hurt you more than me, so have at it.
Tripling down on Bern’s f**kup!
Sanders said “And she has been saying lately that she thinks that I am quote unquote not qualified to be president.”
That would mean she specifically said those words. Which she didn’t. Not even close.
But somehow Hillary is portrayed in the media as a liar while St. Bernie skates.
I’d like to discuss issues also but the conversations usually devolve into some sort of “Democrats are no different from Republicans” nonsense.
Just like you Bernie supporters do, right? Where your every post is rainbows and unicorns.
Hillary Clinton is arguably the most qualified person to ever run for president.
This is why the Sanders’ campaign is a clown show.
This coming from the guy that ran a comic book store before getting involved in Sen. Sanders Presidential run. Yes he was a with him on earlier campaigns for Sanders failed gubernatorial race and his House and Senate seats, but this is the big times now.
Jeff Weaver’s own history from his Wikipedia page is interesting too. He’s an Independent and probably has no love for the Democratic party as well.
So it’s my fault now? I thought Bernie had decided the media was to blame?
I’ll bet he voted for Ron Paul. He probably buys gold, too, in case of the impending apocalypse (although I never could figure out, from Paul and others, how having gold would do you any good during an apocalypse).
Worst. Campaign. Advisor. Ever. (H/T: Comic Book Guy)
They’re losing track of their narrative. Soon it will be President Obama’s fault.
It’s a conspiracy, I tells ya! Black helicopters! FEMA trailers! Chem trails! The media!
50? The years have not been kind to Jeff Weaver.
I have yet to hear how Bernie is contributing to down-ballot Dems around the country in the upcoming elections. That was the agreement when he decided to run using the Democratic infrastructure to begin with. No one seems to be bothering to ask him how much he’s contributed and to who (m?).
Doremus Jessup = Wall Street fat cat.
Doremus Jessup is a member of the establishment.