Discussion: Sanders Accuses Clinton Of Embracing Obama Only For Black Votes

No, you are dishonest because you pick out individual words to suit the meaning you want rather than the meaning of what was said.

The use of the word “ploy”, I think, is offensive to Ms. Clinton. She has been on the right side of most racial issues through the decades she’s been in public policy. I think Bernie is wrong to demean her hard work on these issues.

This is where his chariot falls to the ground and his supporters have to acknowledge that, yes, even Bernie is a politician with all the assets and liabilities that that brings.


Why, thank you immensely. If not for happening upon this, I’d never have realized who I am: angry, white and ignorant. Holy shit, it’s an epiphany!

I mean, I would have copped to angry and white - angry at the depths to which this campaign has sunk, and white by birth. But ignorant – why, that’s a whole new revelation.

So now anyone who supports Sanders is ignorant. So I gotta cop to that also now. OK, fine! I’m ignorant. Damn ignorant. And with every passing minute, I’m getting more and more ignorant. That’s a feature of this dumbing down of the dialogue.

Just tell me this. How do you square these comments with the admonition to Sanders that “there is no need for it?” Because frankly, I’m not gettin’ it. Then again, I am ignorant after all.


Couldn’t agree more. Politicians pander. Get over it.

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I guess that I am one member of a very small minority. For the past four months or so, I have been told over and over again that the more I come to know Senator Sanders, the more I will like him. Actually with me it has been the reverse: the more I learn about him, the less I like him.

The final straw came today when he accused Senator Clinton of "trying to embrace the President as closely as she possibly can. Everything the president does is wonderful. She loves the president, he loves her and all that stuff … And we know what that’s about. That’s trying to win support from the African-American community .”

Shame on you, Senator Sanders. That’s it, game over for me. Does Senator Sanders remember that Secretary Clinton served in the President’s cabinet as Secretary of State? I guess that public service was simply to get ahead of the curve with the African-American community.

As I said — shame!


Bernie supporter here. Reading this comments, I think just one thing:



Nothing dishonest about that. It was spot on. In fact, my alternative argument for Bernie a couple posts prior illustrated perfectly how Sanders could be framing his argument without resorting to stridently shitting all over Obama and the progress we’ve made over the past 8 years. We need turnout and that requires motivated people with a positive outlook. I’ve posted in the past that both he and Clinton should both be taking that positive tack rather than trying to appeal to the pouty pantwetter progressive-purist with negativity. Obama’s legacy is part of the proof that we can forge ahead and make slow progress despite historically insane opposition and obstruction. Failing to acknowledge that and failing to acknowledge that progress is, like it or not, going to remain slow and incremental in the face of historic opposition and obstruction is just lying…it’s nothing but “seller’s talk”…and it’s counterproductive in that it is setting up his supporters to throw a sour grapes shit-fit if he’s not nominated, which results in them sitting on their couches in November. Anyone with a fucking brain in their head and an honest, objective outlook should be pissed at him for it. Enough is enough. It’s time to get real or get bent.



This was a foolish thing for him to say.


If that were true, then Sen. Sanders comment must be meant to help her. Could he have sounded more condescending?


“Evil gossips of the world unite! = Clinton 2016” quote from you last night on the comment thread from this article:


Very well said.

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Because Hillary is pragmatic and honest, I look forward to her stump speech where she says her primary purpose for the next 4 years will be to wield the veto pen and maybe write a few executive orders Obama may have missed, and that she has no achievable goals that would change the fact that most voters will be making the same wage in 4 years that they are now, but it will buy about 20% less; and a college education will be so expensive that no matter what they do, their children will be heavily in debt for most of their lives. How’s that for pragmatic and honest. Think she can sell a future without hope?


Not only does he run the risk of losing the support of more people of color than previously believed but also from that of White liberals who voted for Pres. Obama twice.


I like Bernie Sanders but he is beginning to look and sound desperate. She did serve in his cabinet for one-term. Technically, that makes them close one can safely assume lol. I don’t understand Bernie, either he is or he is not democrat?


Think he can deliver a future without BS and illusions?


Exactly. Sen Sanders has a knack for alienating people he needs on his side (as his fellow Senators will attest)


You are exactly right. Not just angry white voters, but white voters who have trouble with a black man in the White House. Subtlety is obviously not Bernie’s schtick.


My comment was snark. I’m not sure if yours is or not.


He’s obviously frustrated. This is part of the campaign, though. It’s meant to test your endurance, temperament and every other facet of your being. I used to wish we had the 6 week campaigns like some European countries, but I’m starting to see the wisdom in our long campaign season. The 08 campaign brought HRC to tears. The 12 campaign bared Romney’s soul about how he feels about poor people. This is what campaigns are supposed to do.


But you know what? Like any other human being, he is wrong on certain issues.

Says the person who obviously isn’t.