Discussion: Sanders Accuses Clinton Of Embracing Obama Only For Black Votes

And that he is a better Jew than Hillel.

And, of course, Obama nominated Hillary to be Secretary of State because he was trying to distract attention from Michelle Obamaā€™s ā€œwhiteyā€ tape.
WOW. Just Jesus-Mambo-Dancing-Christ-On-A-Triscuit Fucking WOW.
First he throws insults at Bill Clinton, one of the most popular Democratic presidents. Then he starts throwing insults at Obama, another of the most popular Democratic presidents. And tomorrow he and his followers will be bitching about how the Democratic National Committee and the voters of the Democratic Party are not giving him enough support as he further trashes the Democratic Party and its members.
Iā€™ve always admired Bernie Sanders, but this is just fucking deranged. If he wins the nod, I will vote for him. Hell, Iā€™ll vote for a roll of fucking wallpaper against any Republican, especially with Scaliaā€™s skid-mark stained SCOTUS seat to be filled. But I think Bernie just REALLY pissed off a lot of loyal and very hard-working life-long Democrats.


My point is that every Presidential campaign is based on promises only the legislature can keep, and that a brutally honest campaign would get nobody elected. Voters want hope that a candidate will make their life better, and not just little incremental changes.


I like him less every time he opens his mouth lately.


Now we know what Bernie learned in his decades in Washington: GOP tactics. This is pure smear. Heā€™s really becoming an evil villain in my eyes.

Bill Clintonā€™s presidency significantly raised the incomes of Blacks and Hispanics all over the US. Bernie refuses to acknowledge that anything good came of this Democratic president, or even the following one, Obama. Heā€™s not a Democrat and in my book heā€™s beginning to STINK.


To be truthfulā€¦ Hillary had distanced herself after leaving the admin before B-gazi and E-gazi got as big, as to not get the Obama stink before running and now all of a sudden they are BFF again.

So while Bernie isnā€™t playing nice heā€™s not factually wrong about her re-warming up to Obama.


Donā€™t forget that due to the broken way that itā€™s set up, that republicans can effectively vote in both the Democratic and the republican caucuses in NV. So, thereā€™s certainly some room for a bit of organized mischief making there (not that republicans would stoop to such things, Iā€™m sure). Anyway, it adds an interesting wrinkle to the caucus there.


I also remember when people were really afraid that PUMA would have legs, that Clinton would more or less check out once the nomination contest ended. And she didnā€™t do that. She has supported Obama more I think than anyone anticipated, and a lot of people would have understood if she had not. I think African Americans actually get that. That she didnā€™t just sulk and disappear but tried to contribute to the success of the Obama administration. Loyalty is not a quality that Sanders seems to value or understand.


I think there will be more of Bernie acting and talking like a typical politician now that there is an opening for a possible win. Running for president is a lot longer and harder than running for office in a small rural state like Vermont. Day after day on the road might beginning to show its wear. Of course I will still vote for Bernie but my primary vote is not.

Pres. Obama is also more popular among Democrats than Bernie is.


Well said.

I donā€™t think anyone can. If thatā€™s a future we want, we will have to get up and make it over the course of many years. I donā€™t expect to personally benefit from anything Bernieā€™s proposed while I am still young. I donā€™t really know which way to vote, and I also donā€™t know what itā€™s going to take to keep young people and sad people and people who are too busy working eight jobs from slipping back into the malaise of canā€™t-do, canā€™t-have, donā€™t-vote defeatism.

I donā€™t think Hillary is defeatist, but most people are, and they need someone who aims high to hold their interest and inspire them. Sorry, but she couldnā€™t move a rock to grow moss. I wish we had someone better than both of them, but honestly, what worthy person really wants the job of thinking for all these idiots? I hate elections so much.


Any hunka-hunka-Bernie-love I may have had just went out the fucka-fucka-fucking window.


I really think this nasty piece of work Sanders is trotting out is proof positive of what one of the VT readers said in an e-mail to Josh. Sanders has never really run a campaign with serious opposition and his views have pretty much been accepted as the standard ideology from where he was running.


Can I buy Eauā€™ Bama somewhere? Sounds great.


I totally agree: the more I get to know Sanders, the more I DISLIKE him. And Iā€™m a loyal Dem. Imagine what actual independents will think when the Republicans are done attacking him (which they havenā€™t begun to do) the way theyā€™ve attacked both Hillary and Obama. Letā€™s see how much Sanders accomplishes then, with no party allies or support because itā€™s his way or the highway? Also, Obama CLEARLY prefers Hillaryā€“heā€™s signaled this in a thousand ways, as has his associates. Obama clearly doesnā€™t regard it as panderingā€“he WANTS Hillary to win so his legacy has some small prayer of surviving the coming Republican congress onslaughtā€“so who is Bernie to speak for the President?! Utter arrogance and condescension on Sandersā€™ part to make this critique. Itā€™s insulting to both Hillary and Obama.


Ask those who ran away from his policies when it made sense for them to - they seemed to conjure it up.

Geez, Bernie.

I think the problem is that once youā€™ve done the inequality thing (and it is vitally important) and then youā€™ve got to keep talkingā€¦


Heā€™s technically not a democrat. He caucuses with the Dā€™s, but heā€™s registered in the Progressive Party in Vermont.


the true measure of Bernieā€™s commitment to a party that he only joined to run for prez is what he does if HRC receives the nomination

I canā€™t envision him campaigning for Hillary like Hillary, and her husband, did when Obama won the nomā€¦

Bernie may see himself as the liberal savior but I see him as simply unelectable