Discussion for article #237796
I don’t know…maybe because, unlike an action movie, people opening fire on a crowd does not usually result in a firefight in which the shooter ends up riddled with bullets. This isn’t the Expendables. The hero/good guy doesn’t end up miraculously surviving despite being shot at by 100,000 bullets.
Yah, I do wonder why… How many bibles does it take to stop a bullet anyway, where’s the GOTP research on that?
And I don’t think that sprinkling him with holy water woulda helped any.
Now if that one skinny kid had tried this in a Shaolin temple…
Karma ought to dictate that Chumley here find himself in a similar situation, so he can show us what he’s made of. Chances are that much of it would end up in his underwear.
I’ll be honest and admit that I have wondered the same thing. Some of the victims were elderly, but a few were young. Unarmed people have wrestled guns away from armed people (I believe that was what stopped the Tucson shooter and that has happened in school shootings as well). But someone who acts with planning and intent has a huge advantage over those who are taken by surprise, whether they are armed or unarmed. Which is where Wayne Lapierre is talking out his ass.
None of that means the Confederate flag is anything other than an odious symbol.
Guys like this are absolutely repulsive. He was not there and yet he speculates that the victims could have done something to prevent “the skinny kid” from shooting them.
Additionally, how did we allow the flag of a treasonous rebellion to become the symbol of the weak minded of today?
Absmart-mouthing bigot blames the vitims without any restraint or any decency.
What a total idiot. And people elect fools like this. Wow.
Why didn’t the U.S. Navy just defend itself at Pearl Harbor?
Even an idiot like this guy might have thought to take out the younger victims first?
Because of the statements the families of the victims made forgiving the killer for his sins, I must believe that they were truly innocents simply there to pray and worship and they’d welcomed this stranger into their midst. Violence and aggression were nothing they’d ever contemplated having to engage in in the house of the Lord.
This goofball ignoramus is infuriating! It makes me want to go on a Smack Rampage wherever GOPers congregate!
“Why didn’t the U.S. Navy just defend itself at Pearl Harbor?” Yeah - they had the guns, so why not? Must have been a base of Liberals.
Has this moran ever looked down the barrel of a gun aimed at him?
I’m guessing no.
This has to be the stupid comment yet about the entire topic. And there has been a long list of stupid comments before this.
Defend themselves with what specifically?
Chairs? Ordinarily folks don’t come to a Bible study class armed to the teeth, Sir.
I have and I can say it has a certain chilling effect.
You just know that this guy would have run into the bullets (deflecting them with his adamantine skin) and tackled the shooter, all the while singing a hymn.
These people are beyond offensive. I don’t even know the word to use to describe someone like this.
Yeah, for fuck’s sake, why didn’t that 87-year-old woman tackle the “skinny” guy with the big gun?
This guy is what we contend with on a daily basis in SC, pure dumb…calcified tissue where a brain should be. You’ll see things now come back into focus, and normalcy will return to Southern Kabuki Theater '15. Politicians pitted against one another to out-stupid the other guy. “I’m more neanderthal!” “No, I am!” “I know you are, but what am I?” You know how it goes, ever spiraling downward.
Wow, Chumley (you can’t make this shit up, folks) needs it spelled out for him. It’s called shock, Chumley. “One skinny person”, I’m guessing, shot the symbol of authority first in a group of quiet, bookish, mostly elderly religious.
We see, in Chumley’s face, a person denied mother’s love and hear, in his speech, the reason mother avoided him.