Discussion: S.C. GOPer Wonders Why Charleston Victims Didnt Do More To Defend Themselves

They breed (some of) 'em especially stupid in SC, apparently

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He seems like a nice guy!!

I don;t think it matters where they’re from, it seems to be a party affiliation problem

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I don’t know, Centrist. What would any of us have done? Seriously? You’re sitting there with your Bible on your lap, and someone suddenly pulls out a gun and starts picking people off. I think I’d probably dive under something. Try to avoid the bullets. Drag my wounded body over to my friend who is lying there dying. Pray. Scream. Try to get my phone and dial 911. I’m going to be really honest here-- I seriously doubt I or 99% of us would fling ourselves into the bullets to try to get the shooter. Very few of us are trained to do takedowns. (For example, one of the school shooting “takedowners” was a wrestling coach, and he was killed in the attempt.) Glad you’re honest, but you need to think one more thought, maybe something like, “And we don’t live in an action film, and these were real bullets.”


Always the answer: MORE GUNZ!

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I have to believe that with all this flag talk going on, among the happiest people in the country are the leaders of the NRA.


I did as well. Worked at a convenience store oh so many years ago. Held up by white guy in a cartoon mask with a gun. Gun was really in my face… My thoughts were not exactly rational. I asked him if he wanted the pennies, nickles, and dimes as well, and for the life of me couldn’t remember how he was dressed, the color of his hair, or anything save for him wearing a popeye mask.


Perhaps the only way for him to understand is for someone to start shooting at him?


“one skinny person” … fucking racist

I suggest an experiment using this clown as one of the participants and maybe a few other select GOP goofballs for good measure. Give a skinny guy a gun loaded with live rounds, give him immunity from prosecution, then see if they can do something before he shoots them all.

I suspect that the threat of being shot would be enough to empty his badder.

My house was burglarized. I got there before the police did. They thought I was the bad guy and both officers trained their guns on me. Up close too. Once I convinced them who I was they cooled off. I understood why they did what they did. But still a barrel in your face will make one stay still. I’m no hero either.

“I don’t know what the answer was,” Chumley said"

I agree. But “answering” is not what he was after. He was trying to plant a notion by asking a question. A dumb question to.

I doesn’t matter if the guy shooting was skinny or fat…it’s the gun that kills you. It doesn’t matter if there are 9 folks to one. The one had a semiautomatic pistol and was standing amid church pews making tackling him near impossible. Besides…its my guess that anyone making a move at Roof would be the one he would shoot next. One of his victims was an octogenarian woman…what was she to do? Perhaps she was shot last.

His point was to turn this discussion to one in favor of that damn flag and against the victims. He did not have the balls to come right out with that so he implied it with a question.

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