Discussion: Ryan Vows To Step Down As Convention Chair If Trump Asks Him To Do So

That right there is one tremendous pussy.

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I thought American Psycho references in discussing republicans were long overdue. :stuck_out_tongue:

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Speaking of “overdo”…Trump’s boning up on the convention rules.


@daveyjones64… Trump adherents -------PsychoPhants…

LOL. Well, Trump walked right into that one.

Ryan either is better at game theory than he has demonstrated up til now or The Donald just handed Ryan a gift.


Mr Ryan proving once again republicans have no honor! If Ryan had any dignity left he would actually at this point say …" I am resigning my position as RNC leader at the 2016 Republican Convention in Cleveland and I will not be attending." Then I think Ryan should actually endorse The Half Term Governor from Alaska the quitter from Wasilla… the one the only Sarah Palin!!!

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So many Republicans are bailing on the clownvention in Cleveland that Drumpf could have the shindig on his plane.

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“A Gay Romp With Donald and Melania at Berchtesgaden”.
“The Donald you knew! The Donald you loved! The Donald with a song in his heart!”


Nah, I think he’s dropping blotter acid. And if he honestly believes anyone on this site thinks he is anything less than a fucking troll, then I think he may also be mainlining some very pure smack.


That, or they’ve all gone completely bonkers and are now just ripping out the seams willy-nilly while being all-to-willing to shred their garments in an early mourning ritual of grief for a dying party.

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Are Kim Jong-un of North Korea and Donald Trump related, by any chance? They both have so many of the same personality traits: hot-headed, immature, uneven, demanding, irresponsible, bullying . . . and they both have unusual hair.


Another tough republican that stands up for what he believes in…in this case he believes in taking the easy way out…

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Why step in stuff if you don’t have to, right?

Not exactly leadership material, huh?


Aren’t we always hearing from this cat that Obama acts like a king, is so divisive, lawless, hates the Constitution?

Oh yeah, it’s him and all the rest of these turds. Good times.

Don’t know for sure but I think Ryan may be calling Trump’s bluff. If Trump demands establishment favorite Ryan step down as chairman, it’s gonna get a whole lot harder for Trump to get the establishment money bags to finance his campaign.

I think he’s already been doing a lot of those things. He doesn’t seem to be doing anything else.

Good move by Paul Ryan. Run as far away as possible from this convention.

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Meet the Man Sarah Palin is endorsing for Ryan’s job


Trump doesn’t want Ryan to quit. Trump’s game was to push Ryan around and make him do his bidding. I guess I give Ryan credit for figuring out that much, that it’s possible to call Trump’s bluff.

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I wish Obama was the king. I think he’d make a great king. To quote Mel Brooks

“Its good to be the King”

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