Discussion: Ryan Vows To Step Down As Convention Chair If Trump Asks Him To Do So


Just Wow!!!


No doubt Ryan wants to get out from under this debacle ASAP. Rump giving him the boot would be the answer to his dreams.


And so the full kowtow by the GOP continues to racism, misogyny, bigotry and hate. Ryan’s vow is aimed at his brethren to do the same: Publicly embrace the hate.


I agree on the wow! This is shaping up for a major donnybrook far, far faster than I thought it would or even could. Ryan has thrown down the gauntlet and literally stated he wants nothing to do with this loser!


Agreed. Whether Trump wins or loses, Ryan is playing the long game. He gets to be the anti-establishment guy no matter who wins. Smart.


Ryan has a lot of other more pressing things to do than be chairman of the GOP convention. He will finally have time to pull up those pesky weeds in the garden, clean out his gutters, and pump up his bicycle tires. That’s not to mention volunteering to pretend to clean out pots and pans from his local soup kitchen. So many things to do, so little time - thanks for understanding, Donald!


and a reporter (or Laura Ingraham) should ask Donald (or Christie) his thoughts on this strange development now.

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Excuse me while I whip this out.

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Come on, Ryan, just a few more pokes and Trump will tweet that you have been fired from your job as chair of the convention, and then all of your prayers will be answered.


I have to hand it to Eddie. This is a pretty good 'Fuck ME? Fuck YOU!" move.


“Go ahead Donnie, even a simple tweet will suffice. Tell Chris Matthews you don’t want me there. Any public pronouncement will do, I don’t even need it in writing.”


Eddie was in Stripes?

“Look, if you don’t want me in your Army, kick me out, but get off my back.”


Ryan has options -
(1.) Jump on board, guzzle the Trump-Aid and be a vacuous cheerleader
(2.) make a token statement of support and try to then be low key
(3.) make a statement of ambivalence … and then ultimately give lip service to backing Trump
(4.) in measured tones indicate that he just is not on board
(5.) Proclaim in a loud voice no-way … no-how and steadfastly stand by that

He seems headed toward #4 or maybe eventually #3

Maybe he is banking on a total Trump implosion - and is doing like when -
Reagan went and rode his horse in 1976 - let Ford just drift around & fall short of the election…


Asking Ryan to step down from convention chair would be the biggest Gift Trump could give him.

unfortunately for Ryan, he is the top repub still willing to attend the convention… Trump needs him.

Trump has Sarah riling up the base to pressure Ryan, (as these wackos need to hear that shit). Trump, however realizes that he needs the monied base also, thus he will ask for a change in tone against Ryan to re-ingratiate himself to the establishment.

Not sure it all plays out well enough for Trump, but this sets Ryan up for 2020. Which is scary, because I don’t see after 4 years HRC will all of the sudden be considered more likable or trustworthy. Add to that 2020 results will drive redistricting, this is not a great situation.

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Bring back the chair that Clint Eastwood talked to.


A generous, benevolent God would see to it Sarah Palin was put in charge of the convention by Trump.


I have a feeling that Paul Ryan dreams now involve raking it in as a partner in a K Street firm. And really who could blame him? Having to deal in a daily basis with the raucous teebagging teenagers in his caucus and now with “Ignorance in the flesh” Trump. It’s hard to see what’s in for Paul Ryan in all these.


I’m sure Ryan would love an excuse not to attend that particular circus.


Ryan is signaling that he won’t endorse Trump and that he wants to continue to have a political career.