Discussion: Ryan Vows To Step Down As Convention Chair If Trump Asks Him To Do So

This whole Gooper thing has really become a ship without a rudder.

If RAyn isn’t the Convention Chair, who will run their big shebang in Cleveland using parliamentary procedure or Robert’s Rules of Order, or whatever the fuck they do to pass the time? Who will coordinate the after-parties and the ballrooms for the all-important donors? Who will MC this pathetic affair, and most importantly, who will rock the turntables? Rinse Pubis? Whoa…boy. That’s as far out there as you can go…

Please blow up this entire thing before it even takes place. The suspense is killing me…

Well, that’s another fine mess they’ve gotten themselves into…

Carry on…


I know Ryan will be DEVASTATED not to be the chairman of his party’s Cleveland cluster*uck.

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thought he’d be looking for a way to weasel out of this job as well…

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Trump wants to bring in some hollywood guys and make the convention more “entertaining”. It has the potential to be “The Producers”.

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Melania and a “the help”?

he’s so cute

Yep. Only until he sh*ts in the corner.

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There is a revolution going on within the Republican party and the so-called conservative movement. Ryan is keeping his options open hoping to be the “fresh face” of whatever shapes the outcome, including a run for the Presidency. To embrace Trump and all that has formed that vile form of politics and policy is to put a yoke around ones neck. After the storm passes, Ryan wants to be free of that yoke. P.S. He already has a few yokes of his own making…

video tape return time.love it.

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The trumpf take over of the party will be complete when Rinse steps down.


Quite possible that the yolk is on Paul Ryan.

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With Minnie’s famous recipe for chocolate pie I hope.


Agreed completely. I don’t even see him with dreams of 2020 anymore. If he did, he’d end up being a sort of JEB clone, getting zero traction with the base and being constantly humiliated by the extreme crazy faction of the Rethugs. There’s just no point. I understand why the GOP establishment went in hard to get Ryan in the Speaker’s chair. But, having said that, they’re up against a wall even worse than when Ryan first got it. The wall is called Rump and the army he commands.

Extra credit is always awarded, for working Boehner and Caucus into the same sentence.

Nice and prompt conciliatory move by Paul Ryan that goes a long way to remedy his earlier blunder of publicly insulting and humiliating his party’s nominee. Both Ryan’s and Trump’s presidential campaigns will benefit as a result. Win-win for both.

Ole’ Pauly boy is not so dumb after all.


I’m surprised Ryan didn’t just peremptorily step down thus exiting the clown show, leaving Trump holding the bag and probably ending any further questions about an endorsement.


Can you share whatever it is you’re smoking?

Subtext of Paulie’s comment! GET ME OUTTA HERE!!

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Checkmate. Paul really doesn’t want to be anywhere near the convention. Good move.c