Discussion: Ryan Shrugs Off Possibility Trump Could Fire Sessions: 'That's His Prerogative'

“And, let’s be honest for a second: I’m guilty just like he is. So is Mitch. We love us some filthy Russian lucre, you know? So he’d be helping us all out.”


Asked if it would amount to obstruction of justice for Trump to fire the attorney general over his frustration that Sessions had recused himself from the Russia probe, Ryan similarly demurred.“It’s up to the President to decide what his personnel decisions is [sic] and any possible thought that comes from that,” he said. “If he has concerns about anyone in the administration, their conduct or their jobs, I’m sure he is going to talk to them directly.”

Ryan = Cowardly Lion or Master Complicinator ?

Sessions is picking up tread marks across his back as Ryan et al take turns backing up and driving the truck that Trump through him under.


Paul Ryan, Gutless Wonder.


RAyn is only interested in screwing the little people out of their last dime and piece of bread so that the rich don’t suffer.

Everything else, including the circus in the Oval Office, is unimportant.


SO basically he’s saying that he wont do shit if he does b/c he had an unpopular agenda to deliver before the 18’ elections.


All they care about is their brand. They don’t give a rat’s ass about what this is doing to the country as long as it helps their agenda. POTUS above the law? Big deal. We have tax cuts to pass and health care to take away from millions of people.


What do you know, and when did you know it, Paulie?

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When it’s rhetorically useful to talk about the Department of Justice like it’s a division of a shoe company, not something that needs to be independent from the political passions of the executive branch if we’re going to avoid authoritarianism, well, then, that’s how Paulie talks about it. Prez hires, he fires, no big. And that’s how you lose your way of life. Greedy little insects like him.


So firing the AG because he won’t run interference and obstruct criminal investigations into Trump is no big deal for Ryan.

Party before oath of office or country.



The sad part is, Sessions isn’t being fired because of his inability to tell the truth on his security forms.

He’s being fired for lack of loyalty to a man. Not for lack of loyalty to the country.

What did that oath say again???

@lestatdelc, you kinda beat me to it…


Not party first, because it appears that he is participating in ‘partycide’ - more like big donors and fattening up lucrative opportunities post politics for self, before oath of office or country.

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Meh. Big deal. I hope this casual remark makes its way into every single ad against him next year. Maybe a split screen with Trey Gowdy’s forehead veins throbbing as he shrieks at Hillary Clinton during one of the Benghazi hearings. Thank god we have all of them on tape for when the shrieking starts again against the Democrats. That’s assuming we can vote in a future election.

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the NeXT AttoRnEY GEneral WiLL take a VeRy STrOnG pOsiTIOn On hiLlaRY Clinton crimes (WherE are E-maIlS& dNc servER) & inteL LEAKERs!!!one1!!!

I am sure Ryan would have expressed the exact same sentiment if Clinton had fired Reno when she created an independent counsel. :smirk:

My general feeling about this presser was, Ryan is sooo sick and tired of fielding questions about Trump.

Suck it up, bucko! You signed on for that way back during the campaign.


You. Are. Such. A. Trump. Cuck.

Ryan has no opinion on anything. I don’t think he actually does anything but masturbate on his first edition of “Atlas Shrugged” - presumably one that was signed by the author while she was collecting Social Security.


Well, Chuck and Dave have bigger fish to fry.

Time to pony up, folks…

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Boehner had merlot and cigs. What does Ryan have that makes him such a weakling. No backbone. Sad.