Discussion: Ryan Reviewing Recourse For Dem Sit-In: It Is'Not A Good Sign' For Democracy

Welp, when the democrats take the House then the game will be reversed and the repubs will have their tongues jammed down their throats. The minority should have a voice in Congress for democracy to work.


Why the hell we can’t go back to the good ol’ days when everyone was white and happy and played in their own yard is a mystery.


Hmm…I am a bit skeptical of that, to be honest. Because bear in mind, the only reason Paul isn’t putting this up to vote, is he wants to avoid his caucus having to run for re-election by voting against the slimmest of gun control legislation, following the biggest mass shooting in modern history.

I have a hard time seeing such a bill coming out that our side would be afraid to hold the vote this much.

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Sp sit-ins aren’t good for Democracy, but reading ‘Green Eggs and Ham’ in filibuster and shutting down the government are perfectly fine???



The House is full of obstructionist Rs including ryan because of its REDMAP project. They have redrawn district lines to their advantage, and in 2012 even though 1.7 million more votes were cast for Democrats, the Rs won and came away with 33 more seats. It will only get worse in 2020 when they plan to spend $125 million to draw another map after the census. It’s supposed to be the People’s House and all we can see for the future is a republican house, which wants nothing to do with the people in this country.

@darrtown This infamous and horrifying mage is included in an excellent book on Reconstruction by Eric Foner I’m reading. It was taken in August 30 in Marion Indiana.

when the democrats take the House The Democrats will not take over the House any time soon and certainly not in my lifetime. Personally, I abandoned hope for that happening a long time ago.


Actually what Ryan should be trying to figure out is how to give the minority the opportunity to present bills for votes. That the rules of the House make everything winner take all is at the bottom of this act of near rebellion. The senate has the filibuster I don’t think that is needed here, but something that lets the minority raise a concern would be very useful, especially now that the committee structure has been weakened beyond all repair.

In Britain they have question time where the prime minister is subject to being grilled by the opposition. Maybe if Ryan submitted himself to questions the Democrats would be able to feel they are working for their constituents.


It’s required for a democracy.

And the Democrats have continued to try to do what they are constitutionally required to do.

IT’s the goddamn GOP. And they refuse to look at what they are doing by doing this.


"This is the people’s House. This is Congress, the House of Representatives, oldest democracy in the world,

If it is really the people’s House and a democracy, then give them a vote! Refusing to simply allow a vote is not democracy and it is not representing the people.


Neither is his “party over country” endorsement of Trump.

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I don’t think this man should try to talk about “democracy.” Something like 90% of the electorate—his bosses—want universal background checks and believe that people who are unable to fly should also be unable to arm themselves to the hilt. Clearly, he operates as an obstruction to democracy.



“Democracy for me, not for thee.”

Was anybody injured? Did anybody die? Did those mean ol’ Democrats prevent Ryan from getting important work done that he wasn’t doing anyway? No? Well, then, it was a harmless exercise in democracy, a concept that Republicans clearly can’t/don’t/won’t understand.


…or some Gohmmy Bags o’ Dicks…

Wonder if the Senate Police can conscientiously object to Paulie’s call to forcefully remove the Dems?

Know what’s really bad for democracy? Gerrymandering.



It’s anti-democratic.

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Coward Paul Ryan only had to do one thing: allow a vote. He failed. If you want Democracy, vote.


was “not a good sign” for democracy.

Hey, PX Boy! Re-read Social Studies rather than Atlas Shrugged - this was not only A good sign of Democracy, this was a Prime Example OF Democracy!!!

self-deluded little turd…


Yesterday he called the sit in a publicity stunt. This is what a publicity stunt looks like.


Doesn’t matter as long as there are 218 in other districts.

Technically the kettle should be shiny and reflective, like this one:

The pot is seeing its own reflection in the kettle, calling it black without realizing it’s really seeing a mirror of itself. Which just makes it even more apt for Paul Ryan.