So according to speaker Ryan the better governing model is for the democratically elected representatives to wait for the check from the NRA to clear, then you get their help drafting the legislation and THEN you get the loyal republican members to vote on it.
He is right, this would be a lot more orderly and predictable. And it also has the added benefit that allows the members more time on the golf course back in their district or where-ever.
But, I question that the Republican governing model makes for a ‘better democracy’.
Damn, I’m nailed! I tried running from the Aphorism Police and once I was apprehended they broke two of my analogies and all my metaphors. They still refuse to return my cliché generator. Bastards!!
I have some information for you. It may be a good day in November. My state, Arizona, has been deeply red since 1969 with both state chambers being republican since then w/o interruption. This morning on NPR radio I heard a poll shows the state 4 points to Hillary over trump. That is profoundly significant. Our junior senator Jeff Flake has come out against trump and Flake is seriously conservative. We could take the House in November. It is possible tho not likely…yet. But stay tuned.
I guess they teach that alongside creationism in some red states?
If you consider that it is bit farcical to consider something a proper democracy if half the electorate doesn’t get a say, then New Zealand is actually the oldest enduring democracy, as universal adult suffrage was first established there in 1893.
A mostly symbolic protest like a sit-in is not good for democracy, but threatening to default on our national debt for political leverage is a totally acceptable strategy. I’ll side with the party of sit-ins, thank you.
Not a good sign for democracy??? Tell me Mr. “Speaker”, where in the Constitution does it say that the Speaker of the House is the King of the House and can deny a vote on anything he doesn’t like??? Seems to me you should watch what you wish for as that power is in direct and complete opposition to democracy. Nowhere in the Constitution does it say that the Speaker shall have a veto over legislation in his chamber. Another issue that’s not a good sign for democracy is the refusal of the Republican members of the United States Senate to hold a hearing or a vote on a Constitutionally valid nomination to the United States Supreme Court, it’s in fact treasonous…
The death blow to democracy in Congress was the Hastert Rule, which is what Ryan uses to stop all votes desired by 80-90% of the country. So let’s give credit where credit is due, we are all under the rule of a Republican pedophile…
Oldest democracy in the world? Hardly. Greece invented the concept way before Jesus was around.
Personally I’d vote for Iceland who’s “Althing” was founded by the Vikings around 920 AD:
But then again we are not a democracy and never have been. We are a representative republic. We don’t even directly elect our President (look up “Electoral College”). Only relatively recently have we voted for Senators. Used to be state legislatures picked Senators. Until recently women could not vote and in the beginning of our American experiment only land owning white males could vote… So to say we are the oldest democracy is pure crap. Ryan should be aware of this.
If the House of representatives was actually “the People’s House” then the members would listen to us when we speak. And sit-in, and demonstrate, and when we write letters or emails. Many a time I have fired off an email and gotten no reply.
Post edited after an error of mine was pointed out by @exspectator …the words I quoted at the beginning of this post are those of Speaker Paul Ryan and not those of exspectator. My error is regretted.
Rarely will you see a more disingenuous display of nonsense than what the Speaker delivered today.What will it take to get these people to fulfill their oath and act in the interests of the American people? How long can they pretend that they are doing anything to earn their pay? Term limits NOW. Repeal citizens United NOW! Set up a system where these people have to perform or risk getting voted out. It is nearly impossible to make these leeches do anything as long as they are protected by unbridled money interests.