Discussion: Ryan Reviewing Recourse For Dem Sit-In: It Is'Not A Good Sign' For Democracy

Two quick points:

  1. Paul Ryan, 1233 Longworth HOB, Washington, D.C. 20515

  2. www.poopsenders.com


well it wouldn’t be the first time…


For Ryan, anything that impedes the agenda of his rich backers is undemocratic.


So Eddie M., you’ve been stirring sh!t and you’ve gotten pissy because feces is getting all over you. Your solution? Pour the sh!t into a commercial blender, neglect to put the top on it, and stand over it while pressing the maximum blend setting. Please proceed, jarfly.


Damn. Hyperbole much, there, Paul? If you and yours would effing do your jobs, there wouldn’t be a need for these peaceful protests in our House. Speaking of, yes, this is “the People’s House,” and since far more of us People voted Democratically, don’t you think you should pay a bit more attention to what the Democrats have been saying? Now, I get the apportionment and such set aside in the Constitution by our Founders, but I also know you know about how far you and yours have taken that “gerrymandering” thing to national levels never seen in our history. Karma, Paul. Karma. Do your job, Paul. Do your job.


Remember that time the GOP staged a walk-out? No not that one, the other 4 or 5 times.


Man, I bet it was just killing Ryan that he couldn’t wave a fire hose at John Lewis and scream, “Remember me? Remember me?”


Actually this is a very good sign for democracy. Here’s a question for Ryan, why are you ignoring 80% or so of Americans who want stronger gun laws to save a few lives from lunatics with weapons of war whose only purpose is to mow us down.


Actually, Herr Ryan, it is good for democracy. When a vast majority (like 80%) of Americans favor greater background checks and at least some sensible regulations regarding military weapons in the hands of civilians, it is you, mein fuhrer, who are definitely not good for democracy. Hopefully, we won’t be seeing or hearing about you in a year or so.


Paul Ryan is not the real speaker of the house, but David Hoppe is…he is the corporate handler of Paul Ryan…Ryan has been paid to corrupt our government…as are many other republicans in our House…and this guy Hoppe is there to make sure their agenda is adhered to…

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(Chuckling). Well, it’s interesting, to say the least.


I was glad to see this yesterday. Today my sympathy with the goal is in conflict with my concern for the standards of political argument. We will get this tactic thrown back at us soon, and probably for a terrible cause. Maybe there was a good reason this has never been done before.

But the issue has been framed to get voter attention. Hopefully that will help in the election. We’ll be stuck with the consequences in the House whatever we do, so use the temporary advantage well.

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gun industry contributions pay for a lot of bad optics. cash the check. tank the legislation.

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This is the people’s House. It is our duty as Republicans to keep it spotless by making sure nothing takes place inside it.

We believe so strongly in this that we are taking a break until July 5th and then we will come back and adjourn until the November Election

80-90% of Americans think they want universal background checks for gun ownership. F…k them! I’m busy putting together a 37 page bulls…t plan to gut Obamacare, but I am not going to tell you how many people will lose coverage or how much it will cost the rest of us or the federal government because…USA USA

Paul Ryan and the Party got pwned yesterday. His “health plan” was buried, so was Trump’s major “speech” and the news cycle was dominated by Democratic demands for the GOP to stop obstructing the will of the people.

John Lewis is God today!


Paul Ryan is too young to remember the civil rights movement. The beatings of peaceful folks, the lynchings, murders, church bombings that killed children, the high pressure water hosings, the marches. He must have this rewritten version where getting equal rights was easy peasey. The sit-in was very appropriate in my view. Kudos to Rep. Lewis. Ryan’s comments come off to me like a version of standing in the school house door like George Wallace did.

This is what I meant by “lynchings”

THIS is why we had a civil rights movement. The same can be said for gun violence. It’s just that I have no instantly available images of carnage caused by guns.


Yeah…Ryan has played this very badly, IMO, and continues to do so. Threatening retaliations when he has the freaking Freedom Caucus in his corner is just a horrible optic for the American people

But, having people forcibly removed while wisecracking is sort of his wheelhouse…its when the mask really comes off and Ryan can’t help showing what a complete asshole he really is. That is where this is leaded.


And Green Eggs and Ham was nothing more than a bedtime for Teddy’s girls…idiot

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I would love to have 10 minutes with Ryan to explain to him in no uncertain terms just exactly why the GOP is really dangerous for democracy and has been for a long time now.

When one of the political parties in a system refuses to be practical but stands on ideology all the time and will not do what the constitution tells them to do then we are facing a complete breakdown of our system, which is democratic. And that is because the GOP has lost its collective goddamn mind.

Ryan you and your cohorts are destroying America. A huge majority of Americans want you to do something on gun control and you won’t and that is destroying us on top of everything else you refuse to do.

Goddamn it - there are mechanisms in the law to force judges to do their jobs - usually mandamus. There should be a mechanism to force Congress to do its job.


Ryan warned that the House was “reviewing everything” when it came to potentially taking recourse against Democrats for their sit-in.

Ryan: the House minority can not speak out about it’s opposition to the control the NRA has on GOP lawmakers as a result of Citizens United? He’s really off his fucking rocker on this one…

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He’s really channeling his Wisconsin Republican roots today.

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