“While we find this man and this policy reprehensible, Go Team Trump. Woo.”
“A travel ban”…whose idea was that?
“I reject it”… Reject the suggestion made by who?
Come on guys you can say his name. Or refer to him as “our sad excuse for a nominee,” that’d work too.
Ryan also reiterated his opposition to a Trump’s proposed ban on Muslims
If Ryan had any integrity he would be opposed to a Trump presidency.
The only way these two idiots could truly distance themselves from Trump and his statements would be to come out and say plainly and clearly: We do not support Trump or his candidacy! However neither one of them has this kind of courage or moral fortitude.
Now HERE is the question I’ve been waiting to see in the press. It’s Canada, but I’m sure the US press will pick up on this soon enough.
They love their federal jobs, feeding at the government trough…slurp, slurp
My oh my, such pretty, pretty words.
Pretty meaningless words given that both these so-called “leaders,” seemingly unencumbered by anything resembling a real conscience, continue to support the authoritarian bigot for President.
Can’t have it both ways, fellas. The only way you could “distance” yourself from Trump would be to outright reject and repudiate him.
Ryan’s been dreaming of getting his budget passed since the first time he read The Fountainhead. If he does it, he’ll be one of the most significant Speakers of the 21st Century. He’ll never abandon Trump.
These mealy mouthed curs (Eddie, Yurtle and Dense) are the most reprehensible, spineless bastards imaginable. So blinded are they by their abject partisanship that there is obviously nothing — NOTHING — Coir Coif could say or do that would inspire them to offer even the slightest rebuke to his toxic odiousness.
I hope Dems will hang this around their necks to such a degree that no Rethugliklan anywhere can get elected to any public office ever again.
I’d also like to know why Sid McCrashcup and Colin Powell haven’t spoken up? I’d ask what the fuck is wrong with these people but I already know the answer — they’re despicable.
Party before country, always.
Shorter Turtle/Ayn Rand: We fully support Trump and would love him to be president. Please ignore what he says, just vote for him.
No balls at all. No left one, no right one , not even a slight one.
Party before Country . Always.
All they have been doing is hiding and staying under the radar when the press should be going all TMZ on them , hounding Ol’ turtle and PBX 90 every time they go out for a coffee
“…but we are still voting for him.”
I’m impressed . That’s something I never thought I would see , Ryan and integrity used in the same sentence
It showed a great generosity of spirit on the part of Mr. Khan to have referred to these two sorry excuses for human beings as “great patriots” in the interview with Lawrence O’Donnell. And solid indication of their cowardice for waiting until Sunday to say anything vaguely meaningful.
That is spot on correct. Ryan and Trump are two very rotten peas in a single right-wing pod.
It would defy the laws of physics for Lyin’ Ryan and Yertle the Turtle to be able to achieve “distance” from Donnie Drumpf.
They are one in the same.
Come on guys. I thought he who must not be named was a character in the Harry Potter series. Hmm… just what was his name anyway? Valdetrump? Trumpdemort? You can safely say it now that the game is over.