I knew Ryan was dumb as a post. But sucking at Trump’s whatever is so disgusting.
“I’ve had some very candid conversations, and so I do really believe his heart’s in the right place.”
Translation: I take Trump at his word on this and on other things. And so should you.
…and he said that his heart is in the right place. I wonder which heart!!!
Yea, I was thinking - did he rent one?
“Learning.” He’s 71. He’s done all the learning he’s gonna do.
I see that Ryan has learned Trump’s “Many people are saying” (my echo-chamber sycophants are saying) trick.
He also seems to be unaware of public statements by people who have served in the military, including in the Ken Burns Vietnam horror-orama, that they felt they were fighting in part to preserve the freedom of people to speak, assemble, and protest government policies peacefully.
I’d like to imagine that corporations are watching this enabling little twerp, unable to exert control in the House or sell his monstrous policies to the American people, and thinking, “Are we going to give him a seat on the board when this is all over? Nah.”
But then I remember a man had his teeth knocked out being violently removed from an airplane, and I know he’ll be the guy sent out next time to explain why it was necessary.
“But the words you speak come from the heart–that’s what defiles you.”
Matthew 15:18
Ryan must have missed that day of Sunday school.
It takes a special kind of idiot to endless mortgage his own credibilty for the benefit of a raging narcissistic bigot who’d set you on on fire just to hear a crowd cheer his name one time.
I don’t give a shit where is heart is (probaby pickling in formaldehyde and hard as a brick). I’m more intereted in what the asshole says and does. And by this criteria, the man is malevolence personified.
You only need his help to starve grannies, you sycophantic 'Umble Uriah Heep of sludge from the Janesville treatment plant.
So according to Ryan when trump referred to players who kneeled sob he really didn’t mean anything by it.
he thinks Trump has “got a point.”
Which only shows Ryan is not anywhere near being a validator about anyone’s views on race.
Then Trump needs to stop foaming at the mouth whenever race is involved.
Donald Trump and Paul Ryan having a “candid conversation” about racial problems in America is like having Adolf Hitler and Joseph Goebbels discuss what is the proper attire for a Passover Seder meal.
Hey Paul, IF Trump shot someone on 5th Ave, what would you “think”?
Paulie is just trying not to get a mean tweet from trump. He is truly a sorry excuse for a human being
That they probably deserved it
Remember: Trump is not a GOP insider. He’s new at faking compassion. It takes time.
Very true. And that learning process stopped about 50 years ago.