“Now let’s burn this motherfucker down,” Ryan added.
It’s hilarious to see the Republican anti-Trump contingent so eager to kiss the ring. Pathetic.
Ryan called Trump’s surprise win and “updraft” on the Republican ticket “one of the most impressive political feats I have seen in my lifetime.”
There was no updraft…House n Senate Republicans relied on a dependable base to get their candidates to the finish line first.
Trump just happens to be part of the clientele.
Has anyone started the bets about how long this is going to last
What disagreements? The fake ones?
He also called it a mandate how is it a mandate when he lost the popular vote
Resist the Rat King!
Paul Ryan is really nothing but political opportunistic scum.
It’ll last as long as establishment GOP needs Rump’s deplorables. My bet is the 2018 midterms. After that, they can cut him loose and declare that they want to move country onto the “right track.”
SS & Medicare will be privatized but the GOP won’t care about backlash because they’ll blame the Obama Admin. Their base will believe this completely and suffer for nothing.
One of the biggest losses out of this whole debacle is that only a small contingency of Americans actually believes in the concept of “government.” Everyone else just kinda meanders around in a daze believing that they’re suffering because of ______(fill in blank) and there’s nothing to be done about it.
All Americans are now on our own. Government is gone. All of it.
Don (the gangster term) Trump has the House and the Senate in his pocket now. He has a corps of trusted lieutenants who would walk on glass to get a stupid idea across to a willing Republican electorate.
Also Trump was leading in the popular vote when and where it mattered.
the only consistent Republican policy is hypocrisy and moral flexibility when the direction of the wind changes…
This is one time I hope trump’s vindictive nature roars back with force and eats this jerk alive. He is an opportunist without a backbone. That whole “leading from behind” meme was truly projecting as he and McTurtle showed us how to run when the going gets tough during the election.
I agree and when shit goes to pot they will blame the dems for not stopping them and their base will buy it
Time to “drop to your knees” in front of the tiny-handed orangutan and begin the fellatio-festival, Paul. You built this.
Me, too. I knew Medicare destruction would be on the GOP agenda, but even I am surprised by how quickly Ryan put this out there. I am old enough that it won’t affect me, but I am also human enough to want Medicare (and Social Security, and good public schools, etc.) for EVERYONE. My only hope is that Trump ends up picking fights within his own party and vetoes their legislation out of spite.
Marby: Not sure why you think you’re “old enough that it won’t affect me.” Don’t count on that. It’s quite plausible that those of us already on Medicare might be coerced (by legal or financial methods) to go toward whatever Ryan offers.
Nobody on Medicare (traditional of M Advantage) should assume what they have will be grandfathered and cover them for the rest of their lives.
That explains today’s performance. He still can’t stand Trump. But he’s finally figured out that Trump cares nothing about policy, so the Congress can do whatever it likes. Whatever POS legislation they put in front of him, he’ll sign it.
The only friction point will be free trade. Policy wonks from both sides of the aisle have no desire to repeat the Smoot-Hawley blunder. They may argue about the other provisions of trade agreements, but they know that protective tariffs end up helping no one.
Indeed. If current workers were no longer paying Medicare taxes, how would the care for those still on the system be paid for? That’s the catch with privatization. (With Social Security, it’s an even bigger problem, since retirees don’t pay in any longer.)
That’s even worse. I read one version of the GOP proposal which said they would leave Medicare as is for everyone over the age of 55. (I’m sure they are hoping this would discourage any kind of backlash from their base.)