Discussion: Ryan: House Is 'Willing' To Work With Senate On O'Care—But With Conditions


Lip service. Devoid of substance.


I call bulls***.


Does not sound like it comes close to the sort of guarantee that Graham et al. were looking for. Now I guess we’ll see whether they are serious.


Jesus I hate him as much as any of the others. More maybe. Banally evil.


The only commitment that Ryan is making is to hold the Senate hostage if the Senate passes skinny. Shortly after the conference begins, Ryan will say either the Senate must adopt most of the House bill or the House will immediately pass skinny and send it to Trump. These Republican Senators are not just craven, they are stupid. I only wish that I had any confidence in the Democrats having any ability - let alone inclination - to swamp the airwaves with opposition, and the streets with opposition.


Don’t you feel good that the Pubbies are showing the American people what leadership really is?


Statement has a little bit of Alpha to it. The Senators probably are just fine with taking direction, or orders, from Ryan. And Rand and the boys know damn well that none of this is going to be repeal-Obamacare-y enough for them.
And the uncertainty won’t bother the Doctors, or Hospitals, or Insurance Companies, or any of the other lobbyists.

This is all right.


Hmmm, I don’t think this passes Graham’s porn test.


Their “Brand” of leadership.


OMG! You’re each giving just enough vague and evasive of a speech to CYA. You fucking don’t intend to come up with a comprehensive plan … because you can’t and you don’t want to do so.

Message to the saner of the Republican senators, don’t fall for it – it’s a trap, I guarantee you. Say NO to the ‘skinny!’ Say NO to the ‘skinny!’

Paul is a slippery slimy two-faced, anti-American. He doesn’t have our best interests at heart – if he did, the “boy wonder mind for numbers” would have come up with a real comprehensive plan eight years ago!! What has he done all that time? A Kabuki dance. Don’t fall for it! Please! My life literally counts on your better angels.


There is real competition for the role of anti-Christ.


That’s what Trump promised…


You go, no you go; I triple dog dare you!

These juvenile swine are playing chicken with 20 million people strapped to the hoods of their cars and debating whether to get behind the wheel or just drop a brick on the pedal to see what happens.

I gotta take a break from this: it’s making me feel pretty homicidal myself.


No diff than McConnell, Ryan is probably just less ugly (not my type, mind ya), more actively a moron, more eager to hop in front of camera and do his “Look at me, I’m intelligent, I’m serious, I’m sincere!” act.

But they are just equally vile, evil people.


I glean some interesting things from this statement apart from the obligatory ‘blah, blah Obamacare sucks b/c Obama’.

  1. House is tossing the hot potato back. They want the Senate to agree to a plan that can get 50 + 1 votes.

  2. Ryan seemed satisfied that the House GOP can go on record that they were willing to pass a real repeal/replace bill that could go to Trump’s desk.

  3. If HC fails, it’s on the Senate.

  4. There’s some wiggle room as to whether they will do a conference or whether they’ll just pass skinny and call it a day. Ryan’s statement could be read to mean “I can only do what the Senate can produce 51 votes for.” So if the Senate passes Skinny, Ryan could say, 'that’s the best Senate can do, so we’ll just vote on Skinny in the House, pass it and send it to Trump’s desk."

  5. Another reading is: 'we’ll go to conference and we’ll put back in a mean ass bill like the one we passed. We’ll give it to you Senate losers first. If you can’t pass it, then the bill is dead. We in the House did our job."

I think this statement from Ryan considers, for the first time, that the GOP might be ok with HC failing this year. In one reading of it, Ryan is saying that ‘if we do a conference, the Senate has to go first. If they can’t get 50 votes, we’re done.’

The other reading:“GOP needs a win and we’ll dress up Skinny as a win and run with it” is also possible. However, I hear conflicting things. FC House guys don’t like Skinny. Blue state GOP House folks seem ok with Skinny (though that may be b/c they hope FC will kill it). I know the Kochs hate Skinny. So, what might be happening here is that the Kochs have told Ryan: “Give the full repeal/replace another shot in Conference. If we can’t get that, we won’t hold it against the House. We’ll run our Jihad against the Senate GOP. We’ll even take out that limp dick Cruz if we have to, to make our point.”

So, overall, I kinda see a chance where the whole thing fails AND the GOP actually gives up for 17-18. We’re not there yet, and it could very well go the other way, but I see an acknowledgement here, for the first time, that it might be possible that the leadership decides to throw in the towel. Stay tuned.


Oh blow it out your ass Ryan ! fricken marmalade pansy ass Muppet face excuse for a human bean.


Sort of a prisoners dilemma whereas both sides belong in jail for being so criminally incompetent and heartless.

Neither side rather obviously trusts the other party…for good reason.


Depends on the number of young men in leather.


[quote=“thinski, post:17, topic:59816”]
fricken marmalade pansy ass Muppet face excuse for a human bean.
[/quote]That about covers it!