Do you suppose Ryan’s yellow streak is visible when he removes his shirt?
Ryan is being the “good soldier”, still hoping to figure out a way to hang both the Illiterate Ogre and Pence-y out, so that when the Goopers turn on Drumpfie, Pence will be too tarnished to keep. Voilà, Oval Office for the good Gooper soldier boy.
“We respect an independent judiciary.
Trump: I dont. I want them all to serve me. I am the boss, except for Putin/Bannon.
3 weeks in and now the GOPs on a white washing mission…WTF?
Putin is the only person Trump respects because he can kill his critics and get away with it.
So-called Speaker of the House sez what?
I’m sorry, Eddie, I can’t understand you with Dear Leader’s balls in your mouth.
Morally compromised pretzel!
Time Cover: Invertebrate of the Year
This guy is worse than Baghdad Bob
We must congratulate President Trump for not imprisoning the “so-called” judge, or issuing an executive order removing him from office or suspending the court system. He is showing true restraint. Perhaps Ryan will apply a higher standard when his own legitimacy is under attack. Oh wait, it won’t ever come to that as long as he acts like a lapdog.
If he were any more yellow people would be asking him if he was a Simpsons’ character
He only talks like an autocrat, he’s not actually being one, so no problem. Bad behavior is excused by its failure to be worse behavior. Interesting concept.
Cadet Ryan - Assume the position!
Trump was respecting the appeals process,"
Is that what ‘respect’ looks like?
Well. I see this is basically a preview of Gorsuch’s defense when pressed about PeePee’s attack on the judiciary. Democrats gotta be ready to kick their ass about this bullshit…
Republicans want to split the Ninth Circuit
When I give so-called Speaker Ryan the middle finger, it’s a sign of my deep respect for the process. /alt fact
Complying with a court order and respecting the process are two different things. Yes, today he complying with the order, but with his open disrespect for the courts he is laying the ground work so that he can get away with refusing to comply with the courts in the future.