Discussion: Ryan Defends Trump’s Attacks On Judge: ‘He’s Respecting The Process’

How can this idiot defend the “so-called president” !!! Gawd Paul is the stupidest person in Congress! We all know that Don is completely nuts, but Paul? Paul is just a groveling, disgusting piece of slime! Defending Trump ! Even his turtle counterpart doesn’t defend Don the sexual predator on this one! Paul will say anything to suck up to, or suck, Don!

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Yes, he respects the judiciary. He just doesn’t respect the worthless, has-been, weak, sad, pathetic excuse for a so-called judge who issued the ruling.

Got it.

I know, right? This is the disgustingly low threshold we are now supposed to be applauding.


Listen up you cowardly little bastid. He is NOT ‘respecting the process’…nor is he ‘frustrated with a ruling from a court…’ He is ATTACKING a sitting judge. He is using TWITTER to belittle a member of the ‘independent judiciary’. You are nothing but a mealy mouthed dweeb. STAND UP FOR AMERICA Ryan.


I’m sure they do - it’s a reliably liberal circuit.


Yep. He didn’t demand the immediate execution of the judge. Another great victory for Democracy!

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The sliver lining here is the smell of exasperation oozing from the line, “Look, I know he’s an unconventional President.”

I cannot see this guy or any of these Republicans making it through the next four years defending this turd of a so-called President. I think even they don’t have the stamina, as they’re already starting to show these small but noticeable signs of frustration, and we’re not even a month in.


Sort of a joke. If he respected the process he would not call out judges and act like they are not legitimate.


What do you think is better?

Franz von Ryan


Paul von Papen?

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My vote


I wasn’t around when Neville Chamberlain was PM, but is this sort of what appeasement looks like?


I wonder how Paul Ryan reconciles his love for Ayn Rand while impersonating all the quintessential effete cartoon milksops in her abominations.


Paul Ryan trolls the Senate gym for lonely page boys. But at the end of the day I respect him, and don’t let any wild slanders I spout about him affect your opinion of him. We all get frustrated with legislators, but it’s respecting the process that’s important.

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"Look, I know he’s an unconventional President."

This is the daily memo. Just call him “unconventional”. They seem to think this covers the lying, the crookedness, the insanity, the bullying, the obsessiveness, the ignorance, etc., etc… It is a sickening, treasonous level of normalization.


If we define the process as the process of dismantling the system of government then I agree.

He gets frustrated with judges, we get frustrated with judges. But he’s respecting the process, and that’s what counts at the end of the day.”

No doubt there’s frustration, but elected officials don’t usually

  1. Verbally assault sitting judges
  2. Impugn their integrity based on ethnicity and ethnicity alone
  3. Blame judges for future terror attacks

[quote=“uneducated, post:6, topic:51024, full:true”]
Putin is the only person Trump respects because he can kill his critics and get away with it.
[/quote]I think it’s fears more than respects.

Putin has something “worse than prostitutes” on Trump.

@asturcot, got to be Cryin’ Ryan. Because he’s DOA in Trump’s GOP.


Can you imagine the outrage from Ryan and the rest if Obama said something similar when that Texas judge nixed his EO on immigrants?


FUck off you big fake.


This is what abject ass kissing looks like.


The GOP is Trump; Trump is the GOP. Joined at the hip. That’s all, folks!

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Here you go, Mr. Speaker. You look like you could use one of these:

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