Discussion: Ryan: Congress Focusing On 'Mental Illness Reform' To Stop Mass Shootings

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They could start by repealing the bill they enacted (and Trumpf signed) a few months ago, to allow the mentally ill to buy guns.

“Hypocrites” does not begin to describe these people.


He added, “Protecting people’s rights was very important, and that’s what that issue was all about.”

How about my right to not be terrorized by random mass shootings? Or my right to feel confident when I put my five year old on the bus in the morning that she’s not going to get shot up in the hallway at school? Or my daughter’s right to not have to undergo mandatory shooter drills in kindergarten?

Such an ass.


You read a story about Ryan, and none of it makes any fucking sense. Ever.


Ryan is a RINO. R-H-I-N-O! He must be a homosexual for trying to handle this by banning crazy people from their constipational rights. We need to pass Sen. Roy Moore’s Good Guy With a Tank Act, and we need to do it NOW!

If every one of them concert goers had come equipped with a tank, not a one of them woulda been harmed and they could have returned fire to that thahr Mandalay Bay Hotel.

I just want all them tanks to be American made – none of them Mexican tanks that are costing us so many jobs.


Keep spinning, Paulie.

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Scalise isn’t recovering because people prayed for him. He’s recovering because he had the best health care money could buy.


He is the number one mealy-mouthed equivocator.


Mental illness Reform starts with banning the mentally ill from holding public office.


NRA to Ryan: “You fucked up, Flounder. You trusted us!”


Thanks to pukes like Ryan, it seems like it’s always “Mourning in America”.


This guy wasn’t mentally ill, though, and we have that on the word of that gun store owner who said he went above and beyond to converse with the future murderer for five minutes before selling him machines that were turned on their fellow human beings.

Seriously, this does nothing.


Mental illness reform starts at the top.


Tax “Reform”==Reduce Taxes of the Rich;
If “Suckers Get Wise”==True
“Bill Won’t Pass”==True
End If
Mental Illness “Reform”==Reduce Mental Illness of the Rich;
If"That would jeopardize donations"==True Then “All Empty Talk”==True;
Exit//Comment:Without doing anything


I’d argue he was severely mentally ill – just a very clever psychopath who knew how to fake it.


I think there should be a National Gun Violence Health Insurance Program much like the National Flood Insurance Program and the National Farm Bill. This Program should pay for all of the health, funeral and other costs of gun violence.

Although many conservative believe that their thoughts and prayers for gun violence are really effective, the Health Insurance will allow white christian conservative who need guns and military weaponry to enjoy their Second Amendment Freedom even more.


Asked what Congress is doing to try and prevent such tragedies in the future, Ryan cited “mental illness reform.”

“So then was it a mistake to make it easier for mentally ill people to get a gun?” a reporter asked.

Ryan dismissed the question and moved on to another reporter, who pressed him on the same subject.

“There were people whose rights were being infringed,” Ryan replied. “It’s a little more complicated than you’re describing.”

He added, “Protecting people’s rights was very important, and that’s what that issue was all about.”

Though it risks being argumentative, a reporter should have pressed him further on that.


Asked what Congress is doing to try and prevent such tragedies in the future, Ryan cited “mental illness reform.”

But… as the NRA well knows an obsession with owning and possessing guns can be a symptom of a mental condition that, in a rational world, would prevent a person from owning any guns at all. The NRA cannot let this discussion; much less any resultant legislation ever happen. It would hurt sales!

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Found the problem. Not sure we have the parts.


Preferably, sit and spin.

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