That’s very white of you, Rupert.
Murdoch as seen by the Gaurdian’s Steve Bell:
Even he does it. We expect it from his Cable Network but even Rupert Murdoch ( America’s real Manchurian candidate ) lies with a straight face. Ben Carson is NOT beating Trump in the Polls. He’s not close. In general the “minority community” is quite pleased with Obama and that “minority community” hasn’t been swayed by FOX’s idiotic effort to make GOP’ers out of them. Ben Carson is not going to be the nominee. And he and Murdoch know that. Carson is in the race and Murdoch is making the statements he’s making to dupe Blacks into thinking the GOP includes them and has their back. It doesn’t…including Carson. You can’t use the “Southern Strategy” running a Black guy.
In the old days, Murdoch would be saying things like “he knows his place” or “he’s a credit to his race”.
Bless his sweet little heart. What an odious little man.
I think they used to call those people by a two-word name… I think the first word was “house”… can’t say the second. Thats what Rupert considers a “real” back man, and what Carson is.
Murdoch does not see Carson as a fool, he sees him as a “Useful Idiot”.
He already knows how he could easily exploit Carson’s massive Narcissism to manipulate him. That appeals to a control freak like Murdoch who LOVES to “pull the puppet strings” from behind the scenes.
Carson also probably has lots of “Skeletons in the Closet” which Murdoch could leverage against him.
The perfect puppet for him and he shields him from any accusations of “Racism”.
If Murdoch likes you, that PROVES you are not fit to be President.
He’s a “good boy”, isn’t he Rupert?
What about a real black President who can properly address the racial divide?
Right. Because the current one is sooooooooooooooooo divisive.
Also, everyone voted for him because he’s black.
Just as the GOP is increasing dependent on gerrymandering and voter suppression to win elections, they have absolutely relied on the votes of (shall we say) white people who voted on the basis of race since the 2008 election.
It’s the elephant in the room.
As poorly as McCain and Romney did in their elections, they would have done much worse were it not for those who voted, not for them, but against the black guy.
Unfortunately for the Republicans, this demographic now dominates their rank-and-file.
The GOP can’t even fight racism if they wanted to, as that would kill off their dwindling base even faster.
If Lincoln could see what happened to his party, he’d weep.
Yup, the rich old white guy pegged it. Who better to define what being black really means?
It takes one to know one? I can’t really believe that Murdoch could make it that far in business if he really believed the shit he says. I think he says it just because he follows B, T, Barnum’s advice.
Keep wooing the black vote there republicans.
Don’t miss “Real Black America” with Dr. Ben Carson - Neurosurgeon Sunday’s on Fox
The more I hear about our wealthy overlords the less I believe in their superior intelligence. Banksters crashed the global economy and ruined their businesses. Sure congress bailed them out but there was no guarantee that would happen. Listen to Trump, he’s a buffoon, yet he’s supposedly a successful business man and look at Ben Carson, brilliant surgeon, but listen to the things he says? He ain’t that smart. The last guy they ran, that Mitt Romney fellow, made oodles of cash buying and dismantling businesses, yet he didn’t realize that he was running a losing campaign. They were shocked when he lost. I suspect being a successful business man has a lot more to do with being a sociopath than it does with being intelligent.
Rupert Murdoch needs a real masseuse for his happy endings.
Brains can be very compartmentalized. So in your Mitt eg. He knew how to make money by buying companies and dismantling for a profit (timing of US boom helped a lot too) but to actually run any real business that made or did something valuable, not so much. Pretty much the same deal with Fiorina. And as far as Carson, good surgeons are not necessarily any smarter than a good mechanic. Both are people that can be very successful by having a concentrated knowledge and feel on one subject, but doesn’t automatically mean that have that same level of knowledge in a lot of other subjects.
Edit: Particularly subjects, and the ability to motivate coworkers, that are needed to run a country.
Republican billionaires sure do love unqualified/deviant right-wing losers. The Koch brothers supporting Carly Fiorina and Murdoch/Fox supporting Ben Carson is great for GOP unity. Every dollar an investment in the future of failure. I’m hoping that Sheldon Adleson gives at least a trillion dollars to the Bobby Jindahl campaign!
This is progress. Once upon a time it would have been whites pick a “black leader” for blacks. Now, it’s one white picking a black leader for the entire country. Progress!
Don’t forget Rachel Dolziel the woman who went through life as “real black” and led an NAACP chapter until she became real white.
The focus on blackness by another white guy doesn’t address how the white people running for president neglect to address brown people or Asians unless it’s to trash them.