Discussion for article #241522
Murdoch is just trolling, he can see Ben Carson is a fool…
Gosh, thanks Rupe. That certainly clears up any confusion I had about conservatives being racist.
Does he mean he’s really black or real black?
I’m confused.
Rupert needs Carson to balance Trump’s racist rants.
This race stuff is confusing: Toni Morrison declares Bill Clinton to be our first black president; Rupert Murdock says Ben Carson would be our first “real black President” . . . Clearly, some definitions are in order.
(More seriously: As President Obama said during the eulogy after the Charleston shooting, we no longer need to have a conversation about race. We know what needs doing; it’s a matter of mustering the (political) will to do it. Murdock’s comments are an encouragement to forestall the doing of it, should Carson, God help us, even become the GOP’s nominee, much less become President.)
The Reich-wing needs a new Minister of Propaganda.
Yes. Case in point: Carson’s interview on the economy on Marketplace yesterday. There are places where Kai Ryssdal cannot hide his incredulity at what he’s hearing:
Murdoch’s definition of a “real black” is someone who will be his personal Stepin Fetchit.
Mr. Murdoch wants Ben Carson to be the next president of the United States. Mr. Murdoch an Australian I believe by birth, wants only the best for America.
No doubt he means by that that Ben Carson would know how to shuffle his feet and say “Massah” when Rupert Murdoch speaks to him. Just sayin’.
The Republican southern strategy has been nurturing racial hate for fifty years. Ben Carson would not overcome that animus with an R label.
How about we deport this guy…And how about reinforcing our “Media ownership laws” that were changed to let Murdoch purchase American Media…along with the Saudi Investors, who are not our friends…their goal is to weaken the USofA, and they have succeeded…
Personally, I prefer a real President, regardless of his skin color.
Of course Murdoch wants Carson as POTUS. Carson is says very stupid things and is a compliant and docile Black man. I would go so far as to call him “neutered.” If the GOP base has to deal with a Black man with power, THIS is the kind they want. Someone who can be easily manipulated with absolute nonsense and who genuinely believes that White people are superior to other Blacks.
Like the Ace of Spades. Real black.
In a sane world, being lionized by Murdoch would be the kiss of death.
If by “real black president” you mean “Oreo,” why yes–yes, he is.
Yeah, you know, the “non-uppity” kind of black President that knows his place and says “Yassir, Massuh Murdoch, right away, Massuh Murdoch!”
Wow, first Obama wasn’t really American enough, now he’s not really black enough, either. It gets so confusing.