Wow, Sherrod. I didn’t think they’d take him. He’s well-respected in Ohio, but we’d lose his seat to a Republican.
All 2016 electoral politics aside, I absolutely love Sherrod Brown. He’s got the damned best gravelly voice and unruly curls since Ev. Dirksen, and that’s saying something.
(For those too young to remember the name, Ev Dirksen was the Republican Minority Leader in the Senate for many years many years ago, back when there was such a thing as Republicans who gave a damn about the country. In the 1960s, he worked with Lyndon Johnson to get civil rights legislation passed. And, yes, he had great hair and a great voice, both of which surpassed Brown’s.)
(And, yes, Brown is also one hellova good liberal!)
Julian Castro.
- Make the GOP spend and defend Texas.
- Jumpstart the new Latino voter GOTV machine.
- Turn TX purple by mid-terms.
Everett Dirksen was also the answer to a question I had posed here about a week ago.
Was there ever a funny ®?
I had to concede.
Found the following from a student’s 1970 thesis on Dirksen’s use of humor in speeches:
This is the problem with Brown, Brooker and Warren. The only safe incumbent senator she could pick would have to be from a state with a Democratic governor, and there are limited possibilities looking at it that way. I’m going to say Julian Castro
Dirksen used to hold regular press conferences with his House counterpart, Gerald Ford, events that the press referred to as “The Ev and Jerry Show.” If Senator Ernst and Senator McConnell get together for joint press conferences they can call them “The Joni-Mitchell Show.”
In other news, water remains wet.
Without the historic context that most (cough, cough, Newt) Veep possibles dress lust with feigned indifference this story seems to leech some of the sting from veepdom’s comic Trump quarantine…
After Hillary’s Presidency, Obama notwithstanding, it feels like we’re leaping into the next generation of Democrats.
And her VP selection is going to have a huge initial advantage going forward.
I’m watching Sherrod Brown right now – he’s an impressive attack dog. I don’t like losing him in the Senate, but he’d be good.
Dirksen worked with Charles Halleck of Indiana on those press conferences—referred to as the “Ev and Charlie Show.”
Halleck was the House Minority Leader at the time. He was replaced in that post by Ford after the '64 elections.
All hail Al Franken!
I know he’s not in the running, but he would bring a lot to the ticket … he’s brilliant, he’s a policy wonk, has good relationships on the Hill and would be a delightfully wicked attack dog.
Edit: I do love me some Julian Castro.
I think Sherrod Brown is terrific, but the downside of losing the Senate by a seat weighs heavily on selecting him, especially since he says he doesn’t want to be selected. So, I think I am moving to the Tim Kaine camp-- although I can’t quite believe it. But, Kaine has an impressive governing background. What he doesn’t bring in excitement, he will bring in gravitas. Moveover, he won’t cost HC a single vote and will help solidify support on the “moderate” Republican and business community side that doesnt want to go with Trump, but needs a reason to get minimally comfortable with Hillary. I also think that Kaine would be a soothing counterweight to any of the potential R VP possibilities. He will certainly help in Va., which will be critical to getting to 270. Kaine is fluent in Spanish. If they should get elected, he will be replaced in the Senate by a Democrat. HC can tell Warren that she is critically needed in the Senate and that we can’t afford to lose the Senate by one vote. And it looks like all the BS supporters now hate EW as much as they hate HC, anyway, so it’s hard to think of any additional votes that Warren could bring to the ticket.
OK TMP’ers, talk me through Corey Booker. I think he’s great and would be thrilled to see his as VP. You?
BS supporters might hate Elizabeth Warren, but this Bernie Sanders supporter loves her.
And incredibly industrious in the first 10 min on the job.
(I flagged every post as spam.)
Ev had that gravelly voice because he was drunk most of the time. He was also the product of a corrupt Republican machine in Illinois and was no civil rights hero. Let’s not try to make him in death what he certainly was not in life.
Chris Christie is guv of NJ and we would lose a dem seat in the Senate just when we’re fighting so hard to take back the majority.
Every seat counts.
Exactly! She’s really ready to hit the ground running in the first 100 days.
And there are more like you, including among the first time voters in our family. I guess I should have talked in terms of the Sanders dead enders. Thanks for the (gentle) correction.