Discussion: Rumored Clinton VP Candidates Dodge Answering Whether They'll Take The Job

Not an Ohioan but respect your distingusihed Senator and appreciate what he does for all Americans in the Senate but would love him as our VP. It is my understanding that he was not interested in being VP. Wherever he is, he is loved for his work for all Americans.


Nobody said he was a hero. But it’s worth contrasting the Republicans of that day with those of today. Of course Dirksen was not a civil rights “hero” – but he also was not the obstructionism-uber-alles of Senate Republicans today. And for that, he – and many of the Republicans from back then – deserve some credit.

(Oh, and as for the “product of a corrupt Republican machine in Illinois” business. I was around back then, living in Illinois, and know the Republican machine there was no worse then [or better than] the Democratic machine. In fact, both machines were more or less on a par with the machines in most states.)


Such coyness among the VP possibles…

Nope, a small (but loud, and amplified by the media) minority of Bernie supporters are mad at EW for endorsing Hillary, but they are probably mostly the same 5% to 10% that are “NeverHillary” folks anyway. Most Bernie supporters like Elizabeth Warren a lot, quite a few of them were trying to get her to run in the primary and gravitated to Bernie’s campaign when she didn’t.

Looks like she’s talking to Cory Booker.

He’s my first choice for a male Veep. I still love the idea of Elizabeth Warren, but Cory would make a fabulous Veep for Hillary - he’s young, dynamic, has a lot of creativity in his thinking.

Xavier Becerra - Long-time rep from LA, star in Spanish-speaking media, good solid liberal in a solid blue seat, and looks like the President in a movie.


Thank you!

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Yes. Xavier Becerra is an excellent choice. Huge in the Hispanic community.


Howard Dean would be my pick: (A) I love the guy; (B) no Congressional seat lost to a Republican; © I REALLY love that guy.

Kaine leaves me cold.


Maybe so, and maybe they all live in states (Eg. California, Massachusetts and New York) that Hillary will carry no matter what they do. Without regard to that, I increasingly think EW would chill more potential HC voters than she would attract. I do, however, as Hillary has said, just love the way she “gets under T’s very thin skin.”

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Well, it looks like we could swap Chicago stories, because I grew up in the city during those days and well remember the Republicans stealing state wide elections with votes coming in from downstate days late-- despite all the urban legends to the contrary about the Chicaho Machine. As to the Republican Party generally, I absolutely agree with you-- Jack Javits, Clifford Case, John Sherman Cooper, Ed Brooke, Tommy Koechel. And I could go on. True heroes. Without them, the civil rights laws would never have been passed. And it was because of them that Ol Ev had no choice but to ultimately support the civil rights bills.


Booker is not qualified to be president.

How so?

He can’t put two sentences together, and rarely has he ever said in detail what he believes.
A light weight who also made compromises with Gov. Christie.

I’ve heard him put more than two sentences together. And inasmuch as democracy depends on compromise, I don’t have a problem with his relationship with Christie - after all, Christie is the governor of New Jersey and Cory is mayor of Newark.

I would assume that some cooperation was necessary.


VP candidates almost never have any effect on bringing in votes from their home states.

Yes! He’s quickly moving up to the top of my list too. I really like him a lot. And yes, he absolutely looks exactly like a movie president.


Just did a quick search-- I see your point :wink::wink:. Rep. Becerra looks like a VP straight from Central Casting

Tom Perez! He’s spent his career fighting for workers and civil rights.

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Un candidato bueno. Tambien creo es bueno para tejas como Castro, aunque no es un tejano. De veras, Becerra tiene mucho valor para Florida y otros lugares.