Discussion: Rubio's Senate Problem: He Has To Defy Trumpmentum To Keep His Seat

Florida voters: Please relegate this lightweight to his next career as a real estate agent.


Ah Little Marco let me introduce you to my little friend the recording machine. In case you are unfamiliar it provides us with every bit of incriminating bullshit that has emanated from your pie hole. Your opponents will use this marvel of technology to sink you faster than the Titanic. You little weasel , I hope this ends your political ambitions once and for all


What? Marco’s a Senator? Who knew?

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Is it wrong that I’m smiling?


I’m guessing Marco will win the nomination and lose the General Election to Murphy – necklaced by the fact that he pretty much endorsed a man whom he said wasn’t qualified to hold the nuclear codes. But if Grayson wins the Democratic nomination, Rubio might actually win.

Then again, my prognostications have been pretty bad this year.


Just too busy sucking up to the high rollers would be my guess.

Went to Beruff’s website he is one sleazy wingnut but the teabaggers in Fl love him. He is just like my useless Rep Yoho.

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Rubio has made himself the poster child of what the GOP base feels in wrong with their party. Can’t see Independents coming to his rescue either. He’s a flawed and seriously damaged brand.

If smiling at this is wrong, I don’t wanna be right.


I live here , Nope Ain’t happening . He was cute in the house for a while but has recently gone off the rails in his personal life, his pronouncements and his pandering at the site of the Orlando shootings


[quote=“arc_of_the_universe, post:25, topic:39412”]
I’m guessing Marco will win the nomination and lose the General Election to Murphy – necklaced by the fact that he pretty much endorsed a man whom he said wasn’t qualified to hold the nuclear codes. But if Grayson wins the Democratic nomination, Rubio might actually win.
[/quote]I agree with your analysis. Sadly our choices in Florida are often bad and worse…and much worse. Grayson has balls, but he closely resembles a used car salesman who tells you what he thinks you want to hear, and with that hair dye job and his personal history…oy! Murphy…meh.

On the other side, Rubio is just inept and useless, which is a plus compared to the raving maniacs he has to run against in the primary.

What a state!

Which racist will Florida elect next?

Oh, the drama…

Jolly jumped the gun, but then he was becoming increasingly disinterested in running for Senate anyway and had made numerous comments about wanting to run for his House seat again (which he will most likely lose as the map has been redrawn).

Rubio is making a mess out of this already messy primary. And perhaps just as importantly, he is going to drawn friendly fire no matter which way he goes…if he decides to run, a whole lot of state republicans are going to be pissed and if he decides not to run, a whole lot of national republicans are going to be pissed.

And thats just running. If he loses, (which polling shows him behind) then EVERYBODY hates him.


I cannot believe a story about Marco Rubio is front page headlines. Who f’ng cares?

What a disgracefully pathetic figure Marco Rubio is. His ambitions are extraordinarily greater than his abilities. Like so many of today’s ego driven wannabes, he has accomplished absolutely nothing to merit consideration for elected office. Unless abject failure on the national political stage is a job requirement for today’s regional GOP politicians.


Disinterested = impartial.

Uninterested = doesn’t give a shit.


In any kind of reasonable universe, Rubio would be crushed in November if he ran again. He’s already made it publicly known that he absolutely hates being a Senator, which should make for some really good ads for his Democratic opponent.

No. No it isn’t…

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Well, Little Marco has Mitch McConnell on his side. Can’t get much more special than that, now, can we?


I do loves me some adult swim…