Discussion: Rubio's Senate Problem: He Has To Defy Trumpmentum To Keep His Seat

Goodness graciousā€¦ what a cluster**** the GOP Senate race is in Florida.

Iā€™d feel bad about it if I werenā€™t enjoying the show so much! :grin:

Thereā€™s the puppet who didnā€™t like the job, didnā€™t vote much, lost the state to Trump (HA!), promised he wouldnā€™t run, but now is changing his mind (because $$$ Iā€™m guessing), and in the process is backstabbing his ā€œfriendā€ who actually was running.

Thereā€™s the friend who is running, who we can identify by the wheel tracks all over his back from Rubioā€™s 4x4.

Thereā€™s the miscellaneous folks who run cause they might get lucky.

And thereā€™s the racist crazy guy who, unlike the racist crazy guy at the top of the GOP ticket who says heā€™s a ā€œbillionaireā€, actually IS self-funding his campaign with his own money.

I know Texas is totally messed up so I canā€™t talk too muchā€¦ but Floridaā€¦ wowā€¦


Itā€™s time for Powdered Toast Man.

Canā€™t help it. Itā€™s Donald writ large.

Yes, FZ is the Pope.

Doesnā€™t rarely showing up give him outsider creds?


Iā€™d feel sorry for Marco if he werenā€™t such a high-climbing herba mal. Iā€™m reminded of a word, a word for invasive species, what is that word??


I like Beruffā€™s comment in the video that Obama has had ā€˜three Secretary of Defensesā€™. It reminds me of Frank Pentangelli in ā€˜The Godfather, Part IIā€™, referring to son of a bitches.


Thankfully, Shrub had Cohen, Rumsfeld, and Gates.

Is it possible to hold that office without going before the Hague and be found ā€œNot Guiltyā€?

Tough job. Good pension.

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The first question for every wealthy real estate developer should be how many bankruptcies.

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After absorbing the slings and arrows from rivals ā€” plus self-inflicted wounds ā€” during his unsuccessful presidential campaign, U.S. Sen. Marco Rubioā€™s approval rating among Florida voters is at its lowest level since he first took office.

A Quinnipiac University poll released Wednesday shows 42 percent of Florida voters approve of his performance and 49 percent disapprove ā€” putting him in negative territory for the first time since he was elected to the Senate in 2010.


Every wealthy real estate developer is (#1) as anonymous as possible;

(#2) Every kid of average intelligence who reaches the age of 20 eventually recognizes the truism ā€œYou can catch more flies with honey ā€¦ā€

(#3) I know itā€™s wrong but ā€¦ watching this slo-mo implosion is ā€¦


Yeah, I mean does Rubio even know where the front door to congress is? Heā€™s obviously an outsider because he canā€™t find his way in? Or, is he an insider, and canā€™t find the door out? Lost in Space in those hallowed (maybe confusing to him) halls of congress? Or, just plain doesnā€™t want to work, too lazy, too uninformed to vote or say anything intelligent sounding? Iā€™m guessing all of the above.

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But I would add this. Letā€™s dispel with this fiction that Marco Rubio doesnā€™t know what heā€™s doing. He knows exactly what heā€™s doing. He is trying to run for President. He wants Florida to pay him to do nothingā€¦


Marco is a true outsider because he never really attended many Senate sessions. He said he didnā€™t like serving in the Senate. So now, he wants the job he refused to perform?


This asshole seems to think that nailing 2x 4ā€™s together and covering them with drywall qualifies him for the senateā€¦
then again I doubt Rubio could figure out which end of the hammer to use

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Thatā€™s the best theyā€™ve got???

Make him pinky-swear a promise like the one heā€™s about to wantonly break?


I think what really sunk him is heā€™s a moron and has like the personality of a bump on a log.


Just another pretty face.

Marco proved heā€™s a loser. Does he REALLY want to do it AGAIN? Loser!!

Marcoā€™s got a bigger problem. Heā€™s an empty suit.