America, where everyday is like pulling the wings off flies.
Congress is already licking the boot that just kicked them in the head. If Rubio wasn’t still teething he would have said Congress will get a veto-proof bill protecting Dreamers and re-instating DACA as law.
Senator Rubio is actually making sense. What kind of DACA bill, if any, would Don the Con sign? Trump is a well-known liar and flim flam man and it’s hard not to imagine he’d just veto any bill out of cruelty and spite.
“I have always felt that President Obama’s executive action was unconstitutional and that the right way to address this issue was through legislation.”
Were DACA unconstitutional it would have been challenged and ruled unconstitutional in court during the FIVE YEARS that it’s been in place (almost entirely during the Obama administration). But it wasn’t because it isn’t.
So let’s be crystal clear on this lie that keeps getting repeated (and slavishly amplified by the mainstream media): When Sen. Rubiwimp deflects with this entirely fraudulent complaint, he’s really saying that he doesn’t have the cajones to take a stand for Dreamers. So he’s blaming Obama for legally doing what he weakly claims he’s in favor of doing. And that is ALL he’s saying. …
… except that he’s also saying: “I am a liar, because only a liar would continue to claim, against all evidence, that something was what it wasn’t.”
“It is important that the White House clearly outline what kind of legislation the president is willing to sign,”
Apparently Rubio was not paying attention when DT clearly outlined what kind of legislation he was willing to sign after the ACA was repealed and replaced. Or when he clearly outlined what kind of legislation he is willing to sign to reform the tax code. If Rubio is willing to base his vote on anything DT clearly outlines then he is even lazier and more stupid than I give him credit for being.
He is signalling that the GOP needs to find another sucker to be their front man on any bill. Because he has been down that road and still has the tire marks on his back from when they threw him under the bus.
He is among those “Deeply Concerned” now. But he learned his lesson, about being the token brown skinned guy for the GOP, the hard way.
Personally, I am very skeptical of this Congress passing anything remotely related to immigration.
I, Donald J. Trump, pledge to sign any bill that’s tremendous and does a really, really great job of making America great again. Believe me.
Who cares what Trump thinks? Pass the DREAM Act you fucking coward.
What fucking difference does it make? Trump will change his mind fifty times anyway…
Listen, little Marco, who gives a shit what the Donald wants? Craft what the country needs and if you do this with bi-partisan support, you can override the stupid SOB’s veto.
“It is important that the White House clearly outline what kind of legislation the president is willing to sign,” he wrote. “We have no time to waste on ideas that do not have the votes to pass or that the president won’t sign.”
Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm…Just a thought, here, Senator Rubio. Essentially, what you’re requesting of the President is that he think independently.
Pardon me while I LOL!
Ooooohhhhh! Marco! Your ineptitude is almost adorable!
“Rubio, in a statement, called on Trump to clarify what he was willing to sign into law.”
The answer when it came to the GOP “healthcare” bill – to quote Trump – was:
“I don’t care what’s in the bill, I just want a ceremony!”
…with pageantry.
And cake.
How about you clearly outline what kind of bill would you vote for, Marco? Sponsor a bill or STFU. That’s my law. Every single one of you Congressionals – You can either declare your support for the DREAM Act as last submitted in 2011, or announce your new version with specifics and sign on as sponsor. Otherwise, you absolutely favor deportation of DREAMers, you fucking pigs.
Unless my memory’s playing tricks on me, DACA was challenged in court and deemed to be Constitutional because the Executive has power to determine how the immigration laws will be enforced.
Sounds too much like Rubio’s prepping his excuse for doing nothing.
Marco says"what kind of legislation the president is willing to sign,” he wrote. “We have no time to waste on ideas that do not have the votes to pass or that the president won’t sign.”
In Trump’s mind he would sign a bill that would deport Little Marco and his parents. His mind is so desiccated he would mistake him for Elian Gonzalez.
He will sign one that also has funding for the wall.
Trump: “That’s easy. All icky brown people (expect the ones who work at my golf courses) have to be deported. Ummm…Do you work at one of my golf course, Mario?”