Discussion for article #246968
Interesting consolation prize.
Wait until The Donald finds out that prisoners in PR can vote, and their votes won’t be fully known until Tuesday. Does he denounce Rube for winning with the votes of criminals, or does he wait to see how that vote broke?
The Republican base is probably shocked to hear Puerto-Ricans are even allowed to vote for the Presidency.
Winning PR can only hurt Rubio with the “real Americans” in their party.
Rubementum! As goes Puerto Rico, so goes Guam!
Cool. now we can hear Rubio and his campaign spin this like he just won Ohio, Florida and Pennsylvania in the general election. “Biggest. win. ever! Clearly, I’m the best choice to represent the GOP!”
He’s coming back. The Marcomentum is palatable.
There is some truth to what you say here. During my visit with family at Christmas, several GOP-leaners in my family had no idea Puerto Rico gets a say. And, yes, they were Trump supporters. (Sighs) Education.
Believe it or not, Puerto Rico may only participate in primary elections. However, they are unable to vote for the President of the United States because it is a U. S. Territory and not a state. Their representative are unable to vote on bills in the house.
Don’t bow out yet, Marco!! This is the turning point!!
Puerto Rico translates to the Rich Port does it not?
Rubio wins the hoity toity Latino vote and probably would rather not discuss it.
Rico Suave means rich and smooth, that too is not representative of Marco.
How do you say, Little Boots in Cuban?
I’m looking at that picture and still cannot for the life of me figure out why anyone would find this fugly mofo handsome. But, I guess, in a political party that considered goon-faced Paul Ryan the epitome of American male beauty, this is what passes for hot.
And he won Puerto Rico, which means Marco lives to fight for another 17 minutes.
Why, he’s the biggest thing since the Bedazzler, Slim Whitman, and the Lambada combined!
This particular win will not endear Little Rubio much to the Republican party. Republicans already think Puerto Ricans are no better than Mexicans and probably shouldn’t have a right to vote in a primary during this election season. Puerto Ricans cannot vote in the general unless they are residents of the mainland, and they do not have delegates for the Nov. general election from what I read. So Rubio won the booby prize. I’m sure for Rubio though its like having a pocket of new shiny pennies. Nice going Boy Wonder.
They’re probably more shocked they voted for a Cuban. Cubans hate Puerto Ricans.
Movie-Star looks, soaring oratory, brilliant grasp of policy, can self-install into Adelson’s basement sling, Latin appeal, home state is a swing state, the sky’s the limit, no ceiling, etc…
I am all about votes not going to Trump. The fact that boricuas should hate Trump with a passion does not phase me in the least.
ANY state which has a delegate which could wind up in the clutches of Fascist/Trump is one too many.
This has to really make his backers feel better.
Aww, poor Slim Whitman. Gee, I haven’t heard his name in decades.
That Adelson image made me run into the bathroom to wash my brain out with bleach, but I accidentally got some on my hair so now I can apply for a job at FoxNews.