Discussion for article #245527
It’s like he knows he’s got to compete with Trump on this stuff, but - as in so much else - he just isn’t very good at it.
If divisiveness is hurting the country so badly Marco, stop dividing them.
Rubio is right, it’s the RWNJ dumb asses vs the rest of us
He is pitting people against each other.
All that heavy load is the job of Republicans. Who else can create groups as Rapists, Terrorists, traitors, non-whites?
Decency, simple humanity, what used to be called The American Way, is “pitting people against each other” to these pernicious little weasels. Inclusion is exclusion, and unifying is dividing. All you can do is shake your head. And then do all the other things you can do. But it really is amazing how absolutely Newspeak and bizarro it is.
“Always pitting people against each other. Always! Look at today: He
gave a speech at a mosque. Oh, you know, basically implying that
America is discriminating against Muslims.”
“Of course there’s discrimination in America, of every kind. But the
bigger issue is radical Islam. And by the way, radical Islam poses a
threat to Muslims themselves. They argue that. They’ll tell you that,”
the Florida senator continued.
Grasping and incoherent. This entire GOP election, it’s been one after the other of Rump’s Follow The Leader.
When I think of Marco, I think about the kid who the teacher had write down the names of the misbehaving students while she was out of the room. That and a weeping urinary meatus.
And people are worried about running against this guy. Bring it.
Look at today: He gave a speech at a mosque. Oh, you know, basically implying that America is discriminating against Muslims."
“Of course there’s discrimination in America, of every kind. But the bigger issue is radical Islam.”
No, they are two separate issues of equal importance. Fighting terrorists is one issue. Demonizing an entire people because they practice a certain religion is another.
And if we engage in the latter, we are far more certain to destroy ourselves than the terrorists could ever hope to do.
And in that second paragraph above is the rationale to speak at a mosque about Muslims and America. So how is the President dividing us? It just does not follow. Marco, you are a disrespectful man.
Applying the principle of challenge what someone is best at with deception and lies. These candidates for the republican nomination divide, ridicule, preach fear of the other and then blame it on the president. What is really sad is there is no strong media challenge to these ridiculous lightweights. Mr. President we appreciate your inclusiveness!
This guy is a lightweight.
Hillary will chew him up and spit him out…
Just a second, here: I’m cataloging this for the general.
The file’s gonna be massive.
It harkens back to Jefferson Beauregard Sessions saying that this POTUS is the most racist, divisive President ever.
Why? Well, it’s obvious, rite?
It’s almost like Marco and I listened to different speeches. Oh wait, that’s right, Rubio didn’t listen to the speech. That would have gone against his talking points.
In Republicanland, inclusive = divisive.
Yes, he’s even more divisive than the president who literally divided us by saying, “If you’re not with us, you’re with the terrorists.”
Yeah, it’s pretty obvious. I wish I’d been there. I’d have asked him if it was divisive to fire on Fort Sumter. He probably would have swallowed his tongue and choked to death on the spot, though, and the larger point would have been lost in the hubbub.