Discussion: Rubio On Obama's Speech At Mosque: He's 'Pitting People Against Each Other'

Riiiiiiiiiigggghhhhttt…because nothing says inclusiveness like whining about visiting a mosque and then whining about Christians and Jews and etc…let’s CHAT about ‘pitting people against each other’ Marco.


Well said, Max!

We all could see these types of REPUG comments coming from outer space the moment we learnt that a Mosque visit was planned. I have taken to skimming them at most because I am tired of the little boy antics from these clowns. Sad thing is that the childish play of the last 8 years is what will continue for another 8 when either Bernie or HRC become president.


Pot meet Kettle

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This dude is not fit to be dogcatcher.

I wonder if he felt the same way after President Obama gave a speech denouncing anti-Semitism at

the Israeli Embassy in January, 2016.


I wish I had some snappy rejoinder this morning, but as an Arizona (=really red state)[1] resident, a whole lot of people here listen to this, nod their heads and say “he’s right you know”. Never, ever underestimate the power of angry hissy fitting voters to make really poor choices.

[1] Where Fox News seems to be on in almost every doctor’s and dentist’s office.


So, it is upsetting your base that hates these people and so it is dividing people? People were after Obama in the conservative sphere since he won his first election and was not president yet.

Extremism and discrimination are two different issues. Your statements here are that there is discrimination, but it should be allowed in the US to fix something else that is a world wide thing. There are extremist Christians in the US that commit acts of terror, we never hear about them, but we hear about how they are discriminated against by the right wing nuts.

Nothing wrong with a president going to a Mosque.


Being inclusive excludes white people!!! The old R playbook: people pointing out bigotry, racism, etc., are the REAL bigots, racists, etc.
It’s “I know you are but what am I?” from grade school recess, but for grown-ups.


The childish cat call…no I’m not, YOU ARE! was never more true.

Shorter Rubio:
Leave the bigots alooooone!


I think we need to point out incivility and disrespect by Republicans regularly. Make a point of it. Is this what your mother taught you? Do you want your children to behave like you? My grandmother would wash out your mouth with soap if she heard you. Do you want a Republican President to be spoken of in this way? (Well, we know the answer to that. They called every criticism of Bush II treason.


Who do you think you’re running against, dipsh1t?

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They’ve gotten to the point where they believe their own rhetoric. Call them rude and disrespectful whenever it fits. Raise the tenor of the national dialogue.

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Yup. It’s of a piece with the bedrock Birther argument: Of course he’s not American; just look at him!

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Come on everybody. Can’t a guy have any fun? These comments by Little Marco were said in the spirit of “Opposit Day.” You know everything he said was ment to convey the opposit meaning. Holy Cow, can’t we all get along?:smirk::smirk::smirk:

Rubio is such a little girl!



See the difference rubs, President Obama is being inclusive! Welcoming all peoples into the conversation.

You, not so much.

What really cracks me up about rubs and cruz, is that they think they’re white anglos. According to the gop/bag doctrine, you are both brown!


Being inclusive and welcoming is “pitting people against each other”.
Rubio’s dog whistle.

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Thirsty Boy forgets he’s running against Clinton and Sanders. Dumbfuck.


This from the guy who can’t figure out WHICH religion he really is ?

He has been a Baptist, a Mormon and a Catholic.