Discussion for article #241126
Too late…
Incoming from TrumpTwitter in 5…4…3…2…
Tough. You’re either in their clown car or under it. Choose, Waterboy.
If you don’t want to be part of a freak show, resign your seat and quit the GOP.
Is he taking Walker’s advice and dropping out?
That is a reasonably fair assessment of Trump, but how can Rubio not become part of the Trump freak show? He is a Republican candidate for President and that automatically makes him part of the freak show.
Probably not a bad play on Rubio’s part, attack Trump and then act like your not interested in what he has to say in response. Also attacking him as insecure has the benefit of making any Trump lashback look like evidence of that insecurity. Rubio is less interested in blunting Trump’s support right now than he is in looking like a tougher alternative to the hapless Jeb Bush.
Rube’s obviously paying attention at his foreign policy tutorials but still lacks the cojones it takes to face down Putin as the president did at the UN .
He wants his own freak show. I heard part of that interview, and the reporter let him get away with implying that Saddam had a nuclear program.
In between sips of water, Rubio went on to say "No way am I going to be part of Trump’s freak show. I want to create MY OWN freak show and I am well on the way in accomplishing that! Stay tuned, more freakishness is on the way!!"
“But this election is not going to be about Donald Trump,” Rubio
continued. "He thinks it is, but it’s not about him. It has to be about
the issues confronting our country. And my sense of it is that every
time issues become prominent, he will say something outrageous or do
something outrageous so that he doesn’t have to talk about the issues
Gee. Rubio got perceptive once.
I’m not a member of the Trump Fan Club…and listening to Rubio sound off on him seemed, well, “Presidential” (you know…“gumption” and all).
But when El Agua started talking about “issues” (on which 100% of his views are to the right of Ted Cruz), I lost him.
Sorry Rubio but youre still a passenger in the GOP clown car…
He wants to be part of his own
She’s all, you’re are NOT throwing me under the bus as a VP candidate because I’m young and my career has time to recover from this embarrassment, just like you did to Paul Ryan and Romney.
Hey at least he knows the name of Russia leader!
Evidently, keeping up with current events isn’t part of Marco’s skill mix.
Trust me Water-Boy. You won’t be part of ANY Presidential Campaign.
You tied your wagon to JEB! and now you are paying the price.
Obama has no balls and he didn’t “face down Putin” in any real sense of that remark. Putin holds the high ground on almost every international issue anymore due to Obama’s blatant flagrant lies about the Ukrainian fiasco he has caused, and about his arming the “moderate rebels” in Syria against Assad. Those “moderate rebels” are IS and al-Qaeda folks essentially taking the free weapons of mass destruction given to them, and then passing these weapons on to IS and al-Qaeda. Obama is essentially supporting IS and al-Qaeda with weapons via Saudi Arabia, the proxy army for Obama’s attempts to get rid of Assad. Same in the Ukraine. Obama has allied with the far right wing faction who are essentially Nazis. Obama’s war machine shot down that Malaysian airplane over the Ukraine and has hidden the black box in the UK ever since, never once reporting its contents, for obvious reasons. Obama et. al. are totally confused - clueless. We know they are reckless, or more likely, Obama and his Wehrmacht will arm both sides in all conflicts wherever and whenever possible, further enriching the Amerikan Wehrmacht, his buddies. This is why Obama wants to make up more wars, same as was done by Cheney and dumdum dubya. The more chaos, the better for Obama, no matter what. Europe is the perfect example of how to conquer - make a mess one way or another and take advantage of that mess - Europe as an example. Look at the refugee crisis caused by Obama, and impacting only Europe (so far). Putin is actually a leader who can speak with authority. Obama has his statements scripted by the CIA / NSA and can never express anything other than spook-speak without fearing assassination. Putin is a leader. Obama is a low level project manager for the Wehrmacht, Shell and BofA / JP Morgan.
Marco Rubio’s immaturity and lack of experience is showing in his choice of words. He is sliding in the polls and is in the single digits. His campaign is in shambles.
Marco Rubio’s immigration proposals were a disaster. It looks like Donald Trump owns the conservative debate on immigration. Marco Rubio did not have the testicular fortitude and common decency to take on Donald Trump’s racist remarks regarding immigrants.
Marco Rubio’s record in the Senate has been horrible. He has one of the highest rates of absence from the Senate and frequently misses key votes including those related to national security.