Discussion: Rubio: I Don't Want To Be A Part Of Trump's 'Freak Show' (AUDIO)

Republican presidential candidate and Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) said Monday on National Public Radio that he didn’t want to continue criticizing rival Donald Trump and be a part of the real estate mogul’s “freak show.”

And then he did just that. “Who you going to believe --me or your lying eyes?”

“I’m not interested in the back and forth to be a member or part of his freak show,” Rubio told NPR. “He is a very sensitive person. He doesn’t like to be criticized. He responds to criticism very poorly. He had a speech in South Carolina to an empty crowd. He got booed on Friday at that Values Voters Summit. His poll numbers have taken a beating, and he was embarrassed on national television at the debate by Carly Fiorina and others.”

Yes, it’s clear that you’re not interested in the “back and forth.”
Trump is playing you like a mandolin. Not that it’s difficult.

AKA—Marco H2O…

“…unless T-Rump asks me to be his ruining mate…” MarcOpines.

Too late!

You already are. And, if it weren’t for trumps freak show, no one would be talking about you!

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you’re a republican, fool, you already are part of the freak show. when will you morons do something for the nation, instead of the lying and hating you know is necessary to fool the nation into voting for you.

So I take it you won’t be contributing to Organizing for Action, then.

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“Putin is a leader. Obama is a low level project manager for the Wehrmacht, Shell and BofA / JP Morgan.”

I’m afraid we’ll have to leave it there…

“This should be MY freak show, dammit!” continued Rubio.

Obvious troll tries to threadjack by vomiting bizarro conspiracist spew in the middle of real discussion. Phew!

Good thing the troll never learned to insert paragraph marks so everyone will just scroll on by.

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You do not begin your response to my post with what you did. Now take a hike troll. You get flagged next time.

Hat tip to CNN for something that was on NPR? I have my problems with NPR, but do the people who work for TPM not listen to NPR? If that’s the case, it’s kind of scary.

Who knew low level project managers had so much power on the world stage? I think he deserves a raise.