Discussion: Rubio: 'God's Rules' Win Over Supreme Court Decisions (VIDEO)

Not just biblical law, also Koranic law.

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I love the smell of desperation in the morning, donā€™t you?

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If I remember correctly the Bible is a document brought to this country by outsiders. They came here and and soon started trying to impose their religious laws on everyone who lived here. The Mayflower Compact was, after all drafted as a Congregational church charter.

There is a long history in this country of trying to impose religious law on the body politic. This is way the founders included restriction against government imposed religious law on our citizens.

What Rubio is trying to do is no different than what others have attempted to do throughout our history. He is no different that those who would impose Muslim or Satinistic law on the nation. Perhaps he could find comfort back in the new Cuba.


" if we are ever orderedā€¦"

In other words, youā€™ll never have to take any of the countermeasures you suggest because you havenā€™t been forced or ordered to participate in any of the activity you decry including gay marriage and you never will be forced or ordered.

Funny how these conservative lawmakers didnā€™t give up their cadillac health care plans just because everyone else was ā€œforcedā€ to be able to get coverage.

All talk and no cider. Welcome to election season folks!


LOL! I loved that show. I have many fond memories of sitting with my dad and sister, watching ā€œThreeā€™s Company.ā€

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His Noodly Appendage commands I donā€™t pay taxes.


Turdblossoms like Rubio will scoff at all the comments here because itā€™s just plain UNDERSTOOD that the only REAL religion is Christianity and the only branch of it is his and the only interpretation is whatever bible he refers us to. He doesnā€™t even consider the outrageously fractured world of protestant superstitions. And, as is so eloquently noted here, heā€™s just disqualified himself for POTUS. What a tremendous A-hole.


Uh, whatā€™s that? Mitt Romney says heā€™s now a follower of the Noodly Master! Man, ainā€™t freedom of religion just grand?


Republican presidential candidate Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) said in a
video posted Tuesday that he believes people of faith should ignore laws
that violate their religion.
Daesh must be REALLY perplexed by this considering on the one hand theyā€™re being bombarded by a coalition of 65 countries and on the other cheered for ignoring civil behavior and murdering 130 and injuring 300+


Better start meeting your female supporters with a handkerchief, lest they be on their periods that will render you ritually impure. Thatā€™s Godā€™s law too, pendejo.


And them dang refugees are the basis of tomorrows grand feast


His I.Q. is too low.

Heā€™s a petty criminal

I thought that would get him


Stop that Satan talk right now. That pastor is a Godly woman! You donā€™t know, with your limited human knowledge, what Godā€™s plan is! That kid might have grown up to be a murderer!


So, heā€™s a man of the people?


Comments like this show a fundamental misunderstanding of our Constitution and should invalidate Rubio from any elected office or any position that requires swearing allegiance to upholding constitutional principles because itā€™s clear any oath will not be upheld.


You know, there is a part of meā€“a small part, mind youā€“that feels a bit sorry for most of the GOP hopefuls. Firstly, they must now contend with the Trump character and out-crazy the man everyday, sometimes every other hour. Thatā€™s got to be exhausting and wear a person down quickly. Secondly, they already know they have to make outlandish, very unconstitutional statements just to win the uber-silly, uber-dangerous christianists who show up in droves at the pollsā€“particularly in the primaries.

I have no idea if Rubio actually believes this crap or not, but this ideology is very un-American, unlawful (when put in practice ā€¦ see Kim Davis) and will get you clobbered in the general election if your opponent is smart.


Trump: Since I consider myself God, I certainly would like to overrule the laws/consitution of US.

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An idiot but a fabulous comb-overā€¦

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Hah! :smile:

So, Marco, you wonā€™t be able to take the oath of office should the American people make the mistake of electing you President.