Wait, wait … what??? The pastor is a woman?? Damn, I sure hope she repents and asks God for forgiveness before she croaks. She’s going straight to Hell for impersonating a real pastor.
Republican presidential candidate Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) said in a
video posted Tuesday that he believes people of faith should ignore laws
that violate their religion.
So I can just quit paying my income tax then Mr Rubio? How convenient.
It’s ironic that whenever such “God always wins” rulings are handed down the Church of Satan inevitably mounts a successful court challenge overturning it. More ironic still is that it’s people like Larry Flynt and organizations like the Church of Satan that are our greatest defenders of the Constitution.
Those eyes. Look at those goddamn fuckin’ batshitty creepy eyes. With those eyes wide open he utters this country should be a theocracy. And this is the guy the Republican Establishment is rallying around. Think about it, really.
Some “Christians” believe in exorcism, even to the extent that it kills the person being “treated”. Rubio seems to believe that those murders are good, and should never be prosecuted. Others believe in drinking poison, so Rubio doesn’t see any problem with Rev. Jones having his followers drink poison koolaid. What if someone believes that banks are the Devil’s storehouse, and people have the right to help themselves to what is stored in banks? Senator Rubio seems to be mainstream Republican.
Senator Rubio would prefer “I do solemnly swear that I will faithfully execute the office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, follow whatever rules I believe my religion tells me to, the Constitution be damned.”
The hypocrisy is stunning! A son of immigrants, fleeing Cuba to escape Communism for freedom granted by our Constitution, wants to ignore laws the SCOTUS decides is Constitutional. I don’t want this asshole elected to street sweeper let alone President of the USA!. The Senate should evict him. Where do these clowns come from? I hope their God grants us protection from them!