Discussion: Roy Moore: Supreme Court Gay Marriage Ruling Was 'Worse' Than Upholding Slavery In Dred Scott

Please, please someone ask him about sexual assault on campuses.


It’s “worse” because he doesn’t think Dred Scott was all that bad.


On the one hand, two people in love who want to make a commitment, and on the other shocking barbarity and unimaginable cruelty.

But there are good people on both sides.


Roy Moore is “cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs!”

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“We’ve got to go back and recognize that what they did in Obergefell was not only to take and create a right that does not exist under the Constitution but then to mandate that that right compels Christians to give up their religious freedom and liberty,” he continued.

Beyond disgusting. And I’d like this fucker to explain just how gay marriage compels Christians to give up their religious freedoms. What freedom are they giving up besides forcing their beliefs on everyone else? They are a plague to civilized society. A virus. A cancer…a bone spur!!!


Someone with foresight would have let all the slaves upgrade to indentured servitude. Then we wouldn’t be having all the problems we do today. Lincoln needed to think more outside the box.


Trump: Billy Ray is right on the mark. We need 10 commandments in every home. Family Values matter, just ask each of my (ex)wives.

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Glad to hear it. Hope he mouths more of the same. It’s going to go one of two ways with Moore once he’s seated in the Senate. He’ll keep his crap up and ostracize himself or he’ll settle in and STFU. I’ll bet on the former. He’s not going to add to the number of GOP’ers in the Senate. Their majority will stay slim but he’s going to taint the heck out of his caucus with bullshit like this article describes. So let him do it. If you’re going to put a GOP’er in the Senate put one in that will wrack the GOP agenda. That would be Roy Moore.


Crippling debt for life rather than chains.

But you forgot that Christian White Men were Ordained By God to be in charge and run everything in the world. So any time you take even the tiniest bit of society out from under their control, it’s like you were crucifying jesus again with dull nails.


That this man even WON the primary in Alabama offends me. To even equate gay marriage with slavery makes me sick. It’s time for these sanctimonious jackholes to go away.


It’s depressing to me that the writers of the Constitution could have put in a “if you’ve been thrown out of office multiple times for failing to uphold the law, you’re ineligible to serve in Congress” clause, but probably thought it unnecessary.


Kinda like law school.

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And he’s joined in that moronic assumption by this Missouri Moron, who believes that “humans” are different than “homosexuals.”

"Believe it or not, there is an American congressman who genuinely does not understand the definition of human being. Missouri state Representative Rick Brattin, revealed that he believed there is a “distinction” between human beings and people who are gay during a debate over a bill protecting the state’s LGBTQ community from discrimination. In Missouri, citizens can legally be discriminated against based on their sexual orientation. On May 8, state legislators attempted to pass an amendment banning sexual-orientation-based prejudice when Brattin expressed his concern over the proposal."

Fear of those awful homo-suck-you-alls brings out the repressed desire in all those right-wing closet cases.


Just because it makes you feel uncomfortable doesn’t mean it has to change. You know, I mean, Jesus was a white man too, but, you know, it’s like — We have — He was a historical figure, that’s a verifiable fact, as is Santa. I just want the kids at home to know that.
The Kelly File, Fox News, 11 December 2013,


Let us not forget “Render unto Caesar, half the things that are Caesar’s”



Lets get these bumper stickers rolling:


There is no such thing as “gay marriage.”

There’s just marriage—and thanks to the SCOTUS decision upholding equal rights for all under the Constitution, marriage is now available without unfair discrimination.

Using the term “gay marriage” buys into the right-wing assumption that it’s some sort of special right for the LGBT community—instead of just applying the Constitution without prejudice or favor.


Raise your hand if you want a clueless vestige from the 40s making policy in a world with which he is not familiar.Makes my skin crawl to listen to these dangerous dopes.


Queue the disgruntled ex-leper. “He took away my livelihood, he did!”