What an idiot. How did this man ever get elected (twice!) to the bench? He clearly has no idea what our Constitution says, and therefore knows fuck-all about our laws. Shame on anyone who might be considering voting for this man for any public office. He belongs in a mental institution, not the U.S. Senate. Charles Pierce is correct, an elected judiciary is the second-worst idea in American politics (the "balanced budget amendment being the first.) Save us from theocratic madmen!
The House of Representatives is a different story…
How did this man ever get elected (twice!) to the bench?
Spend some time in the Old Confederacy and the answer will be obvious
Moore is a Southern Crypto Secessionist. He was fed States’ Rights at his Mother’s Breast. Before there was a Jefferson Beauregard III, there was a Confederate General named States Rights Gist. Ironically, S.R. Gist died while participating in a massive, non-surprise, frontal attack on a protected and entrenched adversary in possession of superior artillery and firepower. This military strategy had been proven ineffective during the entire Civil War, but certain commanders clung stubbornly to their past glories, and to obsolete beliefs. Sort of like the Dixiecrat-GOP now.
Who wants to be led by this insane idiot? I’d say he’s dotard Trump on steroids!
The House of Representatives is a different story…
If you work in the same building as Louie Gohmert a bit of your IQ bleeds out onto the floor every day. Having lunch with him causes you to pause and think, “Wait, is Venezuela that state next to Idaho, or a pitcher for the Dodgers?”
What an idiot. How did this man ever get elected (twice!) to the bench?
uh Democracy
uh Alabama
Many people in that state are jus’ fine with Ol’ Roys views
Going towards the 19th century at lightning speed
Aren’t comments like this a veiled threat at insurrection?
If gay marriage is worse than slavery, and if a civil war was necessary to end slavery…
Someone should ask Moore about this. I think he’d be happy to answer, at length.
With these far-right “Christian” conservative types there’s so much inner conflict, contradiction, cognitive dissonance, guilt, rage and confusion that you have to be insane to adhere to it in the first place. I think one could easily be driven insane by even trying to understand Moore and people like him. I just gave up a long time ago. The tragedy is that a disturbing number of our fellow citizens would line up to vote for him.
Well, to be fair, he thinks upholding slavery is the best idea he’s heard in a while.
Remarkable doublespeak. Moore states that the courts were mistaken when they denied christians their “religious freedom,” when what they actually rejected was christian intolerance for other Americans based on their limited view (even within their own religion) of morality. And he confuses biology with the concept of marriage, as many fundamentalist christians do.
This Supreme Court defying nut job will in all likelihood be elected by the citizens of Alabama to the US Senate. The SENATE. We lose track of how elite that is. 100 members out of a population of 330 million. And THIS is who will be representing us. How sad is that.
This d-bag is going to live forever because these horrible homophobic right-wing d-bags ALWAYS LIVE FOREVER. I guess that Jesus (or Satan) wants to delay an eternity hanging out with them, and who could blame them?
He’ll still win. He could run around in a white sheet and burn crosses in black people’s yards and Alabama would elect him without missing a beat.
truly, these things are hidden from the wise and learned, and revealed to the burglers of turds.
pro-prostitute though, so there’s that.
Sometimes I wish that Jesus did more than get born in a manger…I just think he could have done so much more with the platform he was given.
The parlor tricks got old toward the end. How many times can you see water turned to wine before you think, “Hey, how about turning that chicken into a Porsche or something? Step it up, man!!”
Roy Moore needs to be parachuted into Iran. He’d love it there.
Hush now. That’s just a story, while the rest of it–the parts we can use against others–are the Real Word of God™