Discussion: Roy Moore: Supreme Court Gay Marriage Ruling Was 'Worse' Than Upholding Slavery In Dred Scott


Moore really needs to see a good shrink. No one hates gay people this much unless he himself is in deep denial.


Why do the gop and their wanna-be-strongman leader get away with this false narrative “We’ve moved on from gay marriage”? They are about to have a senate colleague who clearly hasn’t, in pretty much the most alarming and offensive way I can imagine.

If we had a national media that was worth a damn, trump and all of his hard right allies would have to answer questions like “Do YOU think gay marriage is worse than slavery?” “Why do you accept the support of people who do?” Let his stupid orange-haired mind free associate an answer on that one.


Sometimes I wish that Jesus did more than get born in a manger, go around talking about how gays are bad and so are abortions, and then get crucified and reborn. I just think he could have done so much more with the platform he was given.


Of course, God and the Bible were also used as justification for slavery, segregation, anti-miscegenation laws, and the like.
BTW, any time you see a goy invoke the Old Testament, run like hell. Some bad shit is about to come down.


Wouldn’t matter. The haters would have ignored what they didn’t agree with anyway.


Because granting equal rights to people is worse than denying equal rights to people. Of course, Moore doesn’t consider gays or blacks as “real” people deserving of equal rights, so that makes his comment something that went through an actual thought process - such as he’s capable of.


I don’t know how you fail to distinguish between the U.S. government as established by the Constitution and a fundamentalist Protestant theocracy, but in his mind they’re inextricably swirled together. Being repeatedly thrown out of government jobs hasn’t seemed to have taught him anything. I think we need sterner measures–a shocking dog collar, for starters, or a stout chair leg. And in the meantime, Alabamans, if you want to be a Christian in the way that suits you, just do so. Leave the rest of us out of it, maybe? Otherwise it’s the Jeebus version of shariah law. I’m getting tired of having to explain this.


It depends on what he was taught in school and seeing how he’s from the deep south…


“what they did in Obergefell was not only to take and create a right that does not exist under the Constitution” - “judge” Moore

Correct. Gay marriage is not in the Constitution. Neither is straight marriage.
What a stupid argument.


Well, there might be a silver lining to his election. The Website Alabama Life Expectancy says that the average life expectancy in that Dixie Centric State is 75.42 years. Which might mean he does not serve out his full Senate term. On the other hand I do remember how long Strom Thurmond lived and continued to serve in the Senate of the Republic to which he was never particularly loyal.


He Doesn’t HaTe thE gaY, he LoveS thE bibLe whiCh says Hate Gay in leViticuS and Corinthians I.


“But this ruling in Obergefell is even worse in a sense because it forces not only people to recognize marriage other than the institution ordained of God and recognized by nearly every state in the union, it says that you now must do away with the definition of marriage and make it between two persons of the same gender…”

So is he saying that the marriage recognized by nearly every state is only for Christians? Are Jews and Muslims living in sin? Well we know Atheist’s are going to Hell but where do married Atheist couples go?

Is he putting a dig in for states’ rights? I wonder where he stands on civil unions, divorce, and all those tax breaks married couples get?


Yeah. His silence on the issues is so frustrating when you just know that he would have been totally anti-gay and anti-abortion because of … reasons.


Hey, what could possibly go wrong with three religions fathered by a dad who heard voices telling him to kill his child?


The same Constitution that forces Judge (sic.) Moore to recognize the rights of gays to marry is the Constitution that forces me to recognize the right of Judge Moore to hold a religious belief that I murdered Jesus, and am going to Hell. Just so long as Judge Moore isn’t forced to enter into a gay marriage, and I’m not forced to believe I’m going to hell, we’ll all do just fine.


what they did in Obergefell was not only to take and create a right that does not exist under the Constitution but then to mandate that that right compels Christians to give up their religious freedom and liberty,” he continued.

I don't know. I think when the courts took prayer out of the men's rooms in airports was kinda egregious.

Yeah, if only he had used his platform to talk about caring for the least among us or praising the peacemakers or asking people to remove the logs from their own eyes to see more clearly to remove the splinters from the eyes of others. He could have taught the overarching message of loving one’s neighbors as oneself.

But no, he was all about being anti-gay and anti-abortion.

…but then to mandate that that right compels Christians to give up their religious freedom and liberty,” he continued.

Moore takes it upon himself to speak for all Christians but his extremism reflects only christianists who adopt his bastardized version of Christianity.


I don’t believe Dotard Lite is even really against Dred Scott. Normal deploy their clever rhetoric better than to than to bring any contemporary struggles into the same league with that decision. This comes naturally to everyone who’s properly against it.


“Roy Moore thinks that it’s more acceptable to see two slaves walking down the street in chains than a married gay couple walking down the street holding hands.”

“Roy Moore would rather see two young women sold off at auction than two young women getting married at the altar.”

These are not good examples, but this is the sort of thing that Doug Jones needs to be formulating. Suggestions, please.