Discussion: Roy Moore Accuser's Home Burns Down, Arson Task Force Investigating

OOops…I just asked if there was a place to donate to her but didn’t see your post. Thanks for putting that up for us here.

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Farstart’n: as country southern as chitlins, grits and red-eye gravy.

Now I’m off to see if someone has started a gofundme page for her.


While I certainly appreciate the pain and suffering this woman and her family are going through, this gofundme is looking to raise $100,000 and I have to wonder why that high amount? Don’t they have homeowner’s insurance?

Someone has started a GoFundMe page for Tina at https://www.gofundme.com/helptinajohnson

However, it’s very new and it is not clear they know her so I plan to wait to donate but keep an eye on it.

Addendum: Ah, I see above there is a different GoFundMe page started. Definately plan to wait a bit until the picture clears.

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Good point. I don’t know how gofundme vets their causes. If it’s not, it will probably get a lot of attention. The first donations were from Gadston AL I think. the guy in the sweatshirt is a doner, I think.

O my god!

Let them try to burn my house down.

Fuck these assholes - I am not afraid of any of them.


Yikes! Sorry I posted.

And since the weekend is almost here:

“Darkness warshed over the Dude - darker’n a black steer’s tookus on a moonless prairie night. There was no bottom.”


Hmmmm, there are at least 2 then yours and this one

Here’s gofundme’s guarantee page:

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very disappointing, not really surprising

combine this with rhetoric used by, and actions of, congressional republicons in greater and greater frequency regarding the independence and integrity of investigations, investigators and “justice” in general leads me to ask the following:

are we witnessing an evolution, not necessarily for the better, of this nation? A nation, we have been taught, that was founded on, and generally historically adhering to a theme of “justice for all” (I know, lots of exceptions, but theoretically), where “justice” is now openly and dramatically being called to be applied to select individuals and groups who are on the wrong side of those who are calling for this new form of 'Justice".

what is left of the ole US appears to be suffering a very public, and, for some of us, a painful and embarrassing demise; the carcass should be labeled tRUmplandia governed by Putinism

this is awful for this brave woman and her family

I pity my children for the shit we are leaving them (government, climate, overwhelming hate), I apologize frequently to my 14 year old that I failed them in giving them something better than this


Might this be taken on by the FBI as a hate crime?


He was probably trolling the mall for teenagers.


There are two gofundme campaigns. The one I posted has an anonymous, unverified organizer. The other has a completely transparent organizer. I’d go with the second one… I’ve asked gofundme to take a look at the one I gave to.


Republican rot in the country is so deep and pervasive-president, senate, congress, party roots in AL. Beyond alarming.


Doesn’t Darrell Issa normally handle these matters for the GOP?







Roy Moore’s constituency. The alt-right exists to burn the country down.