Discussion: Roy Moore Accuser's Home Burns Down, Arson Task Force Investigating

I never think the christain cultists can’t sink lower.

Deplorables commit deplorable acts. There is no bottom.


Thanks! Posted to my Facebook page.

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I was afraid something like this would happen.

These people are dangerous cretins.


It was!! No, wait. It wasn’t descriptive enough.

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GOP continues to bring out the “best” in people.


If I had the money, I’d donate for a reward to be posted.
Damned, I hate these people, but I would never dream of setting fire to one of their houses.


Johnson and a neighbor, Kevin Tallant, told Al.com that other neighbors had seen someone the publication described as “a young man who had a history of public intoxication” walking around Johnson’s home before the fire.

Johnson said another neighbor, who was not named, told her the unnamed man asked her “if he thought Johnson’s house was going to burn,” in the publication’s words.

With a suspect like that, I’m expecting a public selfie holding the matchbook while behind her house.


Made sure he talked to someone, too. Convenient.


How long before Hannity is claiming her house burned down because her pants were on fire?


How do we know this is legit? Who is the creepy guy in the sweatshirt on the floor?

Monsters, all of them.

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And a little preview of what might happen if Trump is impeached?


He shouldn’t be impeached, because someone might somewhere take it out on someone.

Doesn’t that crap already happen in America every day for equally stupid reasons?


Arson, a Deep South tradition. See “Barn Burning”, by W. Faulkner.


It’s time to identify white nationalists as terrorists and a far bigger threat to America than ISIS.


Someone tried that once.

Time for America to move into the 21st century. We’re being “left behind.”


@sjay1956 Arson, a Deep South tradition. See “Barn Burning”, by W. Faulkner.

My first thought too.


This happened Tuesday and we’re just reading about it today on Friday here? This seems like pretty big news. I also haven’t heard a thing on cable news about this. This is what happens when tRump and his criminal enterprise suck up all the oxygen in the country. Nothing else gets the attention it deserves. Good Lord. Is there a charitable organization folks can donate to to help her out? She’s not only been terrorized, she’s been traumatized all over again. My heart goes out to her.


How do you verify that a GoFundMe page is legit? What is keeping a scammer from setting up a page claiming to be on someone’s behalf but just talking all of the money?

On the donation page I see:
About the Organizer
Not Facebook Verified
This person will receive your donation directly.
Donation is protected by GoFundMe Guarantee.

I see on the site FAQ this statement:

How can I be sure my donation will be used as described?
Most giving on GoFundMe happens between people who already know & trust each other. If you’re not sure about making a donation, wait until you have more information about the campaign.

I don’t know or trust this person.

The “GoFundMe Guarantee” state this:

We are proud to offer the first and only donor protection guarantee in the industry: the GoFundMe Guarantee. Every day, thousands of people get the help they need from generous donors. Our team of Trust & Safety specialists work night and day to make sure that funds get to the intended recipient, every time. In the rare case that something isn’t right, we will refund your donation. If funds aren’t delivered to the right person, we will donate the missing amount.

It isn’t clear to me how I can tell whether the money is going to the claimed purpose.

(Obviously I have not contributed money through this site before.)

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