Discussion: Rosenstein Pounces On 'Partisan Pundit' Comey Days After Leaving DOJ

Instead, he’ll be celebrated as a straight shooter and staunch defender of “the rule of law” (a phrase he trots out at least 20 times in every interview, to be sure he’ll be quoted as such).

Then despite his snitty slams of Comey for launching a lecture circuit/book tour, Rosenstein will do the same. He will always be a divisive and controversial figure in this entire sad debacle.

  1. Getting his pension intact.
  2. Not being fired by tweet.
  3. Ensuring a spot on the wingnut welfare train.

These were his priorities. Enforcing the law … meh.

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Eloquent understatement.
The man is a whore.
I’m amazed he still shows his face in public.

Is projection a requirement with these scum bonnets?

Good lord, wipe your nether regions and grow a pair.

Is it any wonder liberals are derided as snowflakes?

Btw, I’m Jewish too and took zero offense

Who said I was offended? I asked a question, a reasonable question. Your the snowflake whatever that is.

Seriously you are wired a touch tight, this is Twitter like response you have.

Further Don Knotts looks and acts like Rosenstein without the ethnic reference vice versus.

So it seems like Marshall’s Theory remains valid…

Rosie may have appeared to have circled the event horizon for a while, but those illusions can happen in distorted spacetime…

Of what? Interesting locution, that.

As a member of the Tribe myself, I didn’t jump immediately to offense (and neither did @uberviking), but it did give me pause.

cue the “Jewish samurai” joke here…

eta: OK, OK, since you insist…

The Emperor is hiring new bushi (samurai). Naturally an important part of the interview process is demonstrating prowess with a blade.

First candidate enters the throne room. A housefly is buzzing around. Snick! Snick! The fly drops dead, in three pieces.

Next candidate enters. Another housefly. Snick! Snick! Snick! Snick! That fly drops in five pieces.

Third candidate enters – the Jewish one. You guessed it, another housefly. Snick! Snick! And the housefly buzzes away and out the window.

Emperor: “But you didn’t do anything to the fly!”

Candidate: “Ah, Your Highest Excellency – killing a fly, that’s easy. Doing a bris, now that’s hard!”

And vice versa :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Of course. They invented the hard-shell yarmulke. (I will heroically restrain myself from making any reference to the horns…)

Partisan hack and corrupt obstructer says what?

Roddy, you’re gonna wish that in 20 years everyone will be saying "Rod who? "

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You just replied multiple times and I’m wired tight?

Interesting perspective, project much?

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How about a pair of brain cells? I’m sure the one there is rather lonely, so I’m happy to clarify :slightly_smiling_face:

Ahhh, the legacy of the turn of the century ‘greed is good’ exhortations from capitalism around the world! News flash-it’s not just gays!

Crabs in a bucket, it’s the single most glaring issue we face in my opinion. We no longer consider ourselves a ‘country’ but everyone for themselves. No unity, nothing. Even Dems can’t agree on shit enough to get anything done for very long and literally the ONLY uniting idea in the republican base is lawlessness in the name of a higher order?


And through the chaos, the repugnant party does a smash and grab on our public coffers and now even our very laws.

Do we even deserve to keep our republic?


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Well, it certainly would be a first, and you and I both know that’s not what you meant.

But then, you’re great at keeping things civil and substantive, now aren’t you.


Delightful. Or as we say in the tribe, פּוסטע רייד.

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