Discussion: Romney: 'It's A Little Early' To Support Trump's 2020 Reelection Bid

He has binders full of analysis, with a thick appendix full of options.


Oh boy. Mittens wants to run again.


He’s running. Or thinks he is.


But it’s never too early to solicit donations so you can pay your attorneys.

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Trump enjoys the support of the deplorables and the pitifuls. I don’t think Romney is an actively bad person. I think he probably doesn’t believe black people and latino people should be discriminated against. I doubt he’s a fan of trade wars (they are not good, and they are not easy to win). I don’t think he’s a lover of autocrats like Kim or Duterte or Putin. But how strongly does he speak out against these?

Romney’s not a deplorable, but he sure is pitiful.


Mealy-mouthed, spineless weasel.

GOP, of course.


I think the President’s support among Republicans — what is it now, 90 percent approval? — suggests he will be able to become the nominee relatively easily.”

Just like Germany in the 1930’s. It is so astonishing to see so many people defend the indefensible. How can they be so clueless as to how history is going to judge them for this? Trump will be a figure of historical scorn, not reverence. So too for his supporters.


[quote]Journalist: “Do you want somebody to run against… Trump?”

Lily-livered weenie: “It’s not a question of want.”[/quote]

Hey Mitt! It is a question of want, if you are a grown person with a thinking brain. Your unwillingness to express and opinion is almost as sickening as when you do express and opinion.


I think Rmoney means to say

“Its too early to tell what way the wind will be blowing this far out”

Seems Rmoney needs to take lessons from Sen. Collins to have a prepared roadmap clearly paved for a future cave to Cheeto Jesus.


Romney said in May that he’d written in his wife’s name on the 2016 presidential ballot.

Not something he should admit to. Frivolous, and not the act of a patriot. He should have voted Clinton, like the Bushes.


Trump is not running for reelection, he is running for money to pay his legal bills.
His dumb fuck donors are to stupid to see that.

That’s funny Mitt, Trump also just came out saying it is a little too early to support your 2018 general election bid.

Better kiss the ring big guy.


if a diplomat says ‘yes’, he means ‘maybe’.
if a diplomats says ‘maybe,’ he means ‘no’.
if a diplomat says ‘no’, he is not a diplomat.


When did Trump ever stop running for election?

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Well, actually he is, because he doesn’t know how to run a country. So he has to keep doing what he did in 2015 and 2016.

Plus he needs the high and the ego boost (ever see the movie “Soapdish”??) of his rallies.

And, of course, this too…


As I noted on another thread, living in our times does cause one to look at history with new insight. Often we hear statements similar to, “ how could the Germans not react to Hitler by throwing him out of office?” (Place any country or historically discredited leader into this statement).

We now see the same situation playing out in our country. What will historians write? Will churches, parties, civic organizations, prominent citizens and philosophers claim they tried to prevent the disaster? Will they claim to have not known the influence of Trump on public hate and greed?

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Weasel. No, let me restate that: PATHETIC GODDAM WEASEL. There.

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Romney seems to have Rubioitis, or is it the other way around?

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And a spine stiff as jelly.

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