Discussion for article #224743
Wow, wouldn’t it be nice being stuck next to that guy in traffic. Bet he gets tons of chicks.
You sure must hate to spend that much money to prove you’re a jerk.
Freaking morons.
The most pitiful thing about reactionaries is that they’re willing to do the stupidest things to prove who they are against. What fools.
It would be far less expensive to just buy a bumpersticker that says “I’m an asshole”.
I know. Spend tons of money to make sure you have to spend more for gas.
The more fuel that’s used up, the more exhaust comes out thus the big plumes of dark emissions from a “rolling coal truck.”
According to Daily Digest News, turning a truck into a rolling coal truck can cost as much as $5,000.
What’s next; cutting off their noses to spite their face…???
A pair of trucknutz only costs $15.
nah… if these were true rootin tootin he-men, they’d pipe that exhaust directly into the cab.
fuck 'em. the sooner they die from lung cancer/heart disease, the better off the country will be.
Ah yes, the final petulant cries of a shrinking and increasingly insignificant and irrelevant demographic.
Your 'Murica will no longer exist in 15 years. But nice trick with your car and all that.
I remember a letter in the Salt Lake Tribune a couple of years ago from a chap who was so certain that climate change is a left-wing plot that he was going to turn on every light in his house all the time and just burn electricity to show people. It obviously didn’t occur to him that he’d have to pay for his rather childish tantrum. I bet he’s converted his truck just to show us all. Trouble is the message he thinks he’s sending and the message that the rest of us receive are probably a bit different.
This is an asshole. Notice the plumage.
Apparently Daniel Strauss misunderstands what “epically trolling” is, which highlights the target’s hypocrisy, ignorance, and stupidity and turns it back onto them in satirical fashion. It’s what Colbert does each night, for example.
The only people getting “epically trolled” here are the rolling coalers, and they’re so fucking dumb they don’t realize they’re trolling themselves.
Rolling Morons.
Even in Texas, this will bring you grief:
State law under Section 547.605 of the Texas Transportation Code
prohibits motor vehicles with excessive visible smoke emissions from
operating on Texas roadways. Law enforcement authorities statewide may
issue citations, punishable by a fine of not more than $350, to the
owner of “a vehicle that emits visible smoke for 10 seconds or longer.”
Here, hold my beer…
Woo hoo Cletus! The slack-jawed, black-lunged yokel.
President Obama should introduce legislation aimed at reducing the incidence of nose-picking, and Michelle should do PSAs encouraging young people to refrain from eating their snot.
In short order we would be treated to the spectacle of the entire Republican Party in Congress with their forefingers buried in their nasal passages up to the second knuckle, and Sean Hannity and Steve Doucy would have Dr. Keith Ablow on to extol the nutritional values of mucous, all while picking their noses live on-camera. Because our forefathers picked their noses, and Obama hates America.
I remember when Sean Hannity proudly announced that, when asked, “Paper or plastic?” by the grocery store checkout clerk, he would request his groceries be triple-bagged in plastic.
That’ll show 'em!
Good luck passing an emissions test, dipshits.
I wonder if there were men who repeatedly stuck their fingers in electrical sockets to protest the introduction of electricity.