Discussion for article #242356
Maybe they can do a podcast instead.
What a bunch of freakin’ trolls the RNC has become.
How about a pre-taped presentation by each of the candidates available on that newfangled thing called “You Tube.” Or, maybe, a live Twitter feed by each of the candidates.
Good. Stop the free advertising for the GOP.
One might wonder whether the planned pre-whining, pre-complaining and pre-criticizing of the debate, followed by turning it into an “attack the media” shitshow at the debate, then having an obviously planned and organized shit-fling at the whole affair was all just kabuki theater designed to give them an excuse for abandoning debates on these other networks and handing them to Faux News instead, so they can play talking point t-ball the whole debate. Yep, one might.
Two word review: “Shit Sandwich”
Going to “11” hasn’t improved this group’s sound.
In fact, it offends the ears and minds of all but their diminishing, “more selective” audience.
This is not going over well with RNC PR BS:
The GOP is going to wind up as a “preserved moose”.
Just have Sarah Palin, Kim Davis, and Pam Geller ask all the questions and be done with it.
Love it! With all future debates solely on Faux Snooze, Hillary wins! Yay!
If Democrats had refused to do debates or interviews with Fox News how quickly do you think the right-wing howler monkees would be screeching, “How will they stand up to Putin if they cant stand up to Fox!”
I wonder if the Dems will ever bring a gun to a gunfight and let the GOP have it with both barrels when they pull this stunt, or will they continue the Marquis of Queensbury shit they tend to do?
Not convinced Sarah Palin has ever actually constructed a sentence, let alone a question.
Hey GOP, your shit sandwiches won’t taste any better in a new restaurant.
He’s just saying that the candidates don’t need any help looking ridiculous.
I hope Al-Jazeera swoops in to offer their services.
At Chez FOX that’s actually their clientele’s idea of haute cuisine.
Makes sense. Keeping Fox as the only network to show Republican propaganda works well to expand the base.
Agreed. And that makes her the perfect person to moderate the Republican debates.
What a bunch of cry baby cowards. The questions at the CNBC debates weren’t the problem, the lack of substance and the unwillingness of GOP candidates to answer questions honestly was. The RNC
must be looking for sweet butterfly kisses from the moderators. If NBC had any balls they would ban all republican candidates form Meet the Press, NBC, The Today Show and MSNBC
Hey Preibus, I’ve got a great idea for you and your GoP candidates…STOP DEBATING…period!
Just tell your crew to shut the “F” up!
The GOP self-destruction continues…