Discussion: RNC Launches Effort To Discredit ‘Lyin’ Comey’ Ahead Of Blockbuster Memoir

I hear they hired Cambridge Analytica to target the right audience.

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Time will tell but think the difference is this time #TeamMueller is looking at GOP as organized criminal operation masquerading as a political party (e.g. funneling Kremlin rubles to campaigns).

If we’re lucky National GOP will RICOed out of existence and major players will be barred from politics at a minimum.

That would leave any State GOPs not complicit to pick up the pieces, stained by association.

So, wilderness.

That’s the dream at least. :slight_smile:

Cc @thunderclapnewman @carolson @rfscalf @justruss


And can you think of a better way to sell Comey’s book to liberals than to have his fellow Republicans bash it? My feeling is Comey’s book will be much ado about nothing. He will fluff his feathers and strut his self righteous stuff throughout the book. Nothing of value will be gained by reading it. He will paint the FBI in most positive light. To Comey and his ilk, loyalty to the FBI comes before our country. Mueller feels the same way. Former Senator Bob Graham who chaired the 9/11 commission said this when he learned of Mueller’s appointment:

I did not have a good relationship with Mueller during the 9/11 investigation,” he said. “I have some concerns that he will in fact be fully independent, based on what I observed 15 years ago.”

Graham has long been critical of what he says are Mueller’s repeated attempts to protect the bureau from embarrassment over its pre-9/11 failures as well as the former FBI director’s failure to hold the government of Saudi Arabia accountable for its possible ties to the hijackers.

Proudly self-identified deplorables.


“Comey is a liar and a leaker and his misconduct led both Republicans and Democrats to call for his firing,” says the woman who refuses to USE HER OWN DAMN NAME because it upsets Donnie. FK YOU Ronna…the only ‘liars’ are the morons who thought this website was ‘effective’.

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I’m 69, and I not only remember all that stuff, I know how different the current situation is.
The opinion I expressed is not uncommon, and some of the most in-the-know folks in Washington share my assessment, as do a number of fairly conservative pundits, including David Frum, Jennifer Rubin, Bill Kristol, and others.

This happened to the GOP during the Depression, and they spent 50 years as a minority party—and that GOP was far more centrist than our current one.


I had to look up misprision. Great word! And exactly what is going on here.


I KNEW I liked you…I spent Easter with my son’s soon to be in-laws. The dad was from India(although he’s been in this country for years) and even though our kids warned us about talking politics, we ignored them. The discussion was on gun control and as we debated back and forth I brought up the ‘Clinton Ban’ in the 90’s! Shankar asked how did I know about THAT and I had to remind him I was an ‘old person’ and I had lived through it!




RNC chair Ms. Romney McDaniel is the granddaughter of Michigan Governor George W. Romney who was also HUD secretary under Nixon.
He would not have put up with or engaged in juvenile nonsense like this, and he was brainwashed. Or so he claimed.