Discussion: RNC Launches Effort To Discredit ‘Lyin’ Comey’ Ahead Of Blockbuster Memoir

The bat guano crazy wing declares full civil war on Republicans who have not renounced all norms and values for the sake of the millenarian cult. The remaining sane members of the party are probably not too few in number for their demoralization and alienation to cause serious damage to their party come November as was the case in Alabama. Conversely, Dems had better maintain a united front against a divided GOP.


And citing Hillary Clinton as their source! I thought she was the she-devil incarnate?


This is the Koch Machine/Frank Luntz/talk radio formula that has served the Republicans so well since the 1980s—well enough that in the space of a little more than 30 years, it has given them absolute control of all three branches of the federal government.

They’ve gotten to this point through a relentless combination of Big Lie tactics, voter suppression, hacking (and hackery), character assassination, and round-the-clock agitprop, even as their actual policies have grown more and more distant from the preferences and needs of the American people.

It turns out that a significant subset of American voters can fairly easily be persuaded to vote to cut their own throats, just so long as the Republican agitprop machine convinces them that it is somebody else who will feel the pain and do the bleeding.

Why would the Republicans stop? They can’t govern, their policies are garbage, and they’re taking the country (and perhaps the whole bloomin’ world) over the cliff to please a gaggle of venomous old trust fund brats like Charles Koch, but they’re sure enough good at shattering constitutional order and democratic norms.


I am a grump by nature. And I disagree entirely. I don’t think this Blue Wave that’s coming is just for Trump. American’s have finally woken up to the toxicity of the GOP brand. Trump was the last gasp from a dying movement. There will be holdouts in some safe GOP districts. But more and more those are like the fabled Japanese soldiers still fighting WWII on deserted Pacific Islands.


Also since the McCarthy, Goldwater, and Nixon years.

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You are looking for consistency from these ass-hats?

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And don’t forget Nice, New and ‘Smart’ Missiles!

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From the article:

The memoir is likely to paint an unflattering portrait of Trump and his interactions with Comey, who he fired nearly a year ago.

Ya think? The rumor that Comey has compared the Trumpster to a Mob Boss isn’t going over well. I’ve said before that Trump is like Tony Soprano without the guts or charisma.

This attack on Comey is all the GOP and the Trumpsters have. When it comes down to: Who are going to trust? The answer is so pathetically obvious that the whole campaign should be drowned in ridicule. Only the truly brain-dead are going to buy into this nonsense. And eventually, revelations regarding the true treachery of this crew and the party that enabled them will slap the electorate upside the head. The Rule of Law will do the rest. I’m actually feeling optimistic about that.


0 out of 5 starsThis is a counterfeit scam artist and not the real book
April 11, 2018
Format: Paperback
This “paperback” version of James Comey’s new book is a scam fraud self published by someone illegally using cover art and descriptions from the real book. STAY AWAY FROM THIS SCAM ARTIST!!

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What the hell?

Even the effort to do this reeks of fear!


This. Exactly. Of course, a lot of us were upset at Comey for how he handled the Hillary Clinton investigation- First, by opining about her “carelessness” by managing her former job as Secretary of State with a private e-mail server while saying that they didn’t have any evidence of crimes and, second, appearing to re-open the investigation days before the election, effectively dropping the equivalent of a hand grenade onto the Clinton campaign and the Democratic Party. However, there is no doubt in my mind that Trump got rid of him because he wasn’t willing to be a lacky for Trump and back off of him and the Russia investigation as FBI head, which, ironically, only really seems to have made the situation worse for Trump, both legally and politically. We can denounce Comey’s actions regarding Clinton, but we don’t have to feed into Trump/GOP’s bogus narrative about him.


Indeed, these are, as you say, the same big lie tactics of the past three decades, but this time they are being used as a tools against dissidence within the Republican party itself. It’s true that Republicans such as McCain have been the target in the past, but that was still old fashioned dirty politics, not the sort of pogrom we’re seeing now, against the likes of Comey and Mueller. The results may not be quite the same as in the past, especially with the added whiff of desperation.



Consistency? For years they never questioned law enforcement be it brutal wayward cops or the Hoover era FBI. Now to them not only Comey but according to Fox and talk radio the folks who protect us are the devil incarnate.

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Just curious:
How old are you?
Old enough to remember Watergate? That was going to be the end of them.
Old enough to recall when Reagan’s boys secretly sold anti-aircraft missiles to Iran?
Treason. I was dead sure that was their end.
Are you old enough to remember the catastrophic savings and loan debacle?
Surely you recall the next financial catastrophe at the end of W’s years.
Nope. As long as there are racist and authoritarian streaks in our culture, as long as the anti-government cult persists (and it’s gaining strength) the GOP will survive.


Good luck with that gop.
I noticed 1 problem with your attempt at discrediting Comey…
You are starting out in a very deep hole.


“At this rate they’ll be hooting like baboons and literally flinging dung by November.”

I think they have already mastered this. On to other feats now, like completing the destruction of the republic.


I am at a loss to understand why all the pro trump grunts in Congress, his henchmen on staff and the completely dishonest President are golden guardians of democracy while everyone who disagree with their corruption is “lying”.meanwhile ,the indictments keep coming,the resignations occur at an increasing pace and the Constitutional crisis gets ever closer.

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Given that they’ve been attacking our democracy since at least Nixon we need at least a generation to get back on track and partly catch up to where we could be if not for 40+ years of obstruction.


Thanks for the knowledge!

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