Discussion: RNC Launches Effort To Discredit ‘Lyin’ Comey’ Ahead Of Blockbuster Memoir

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This is just such weak fucking sauce. This is the best they could come up with? And are you sure the angle you want to go with is lack of truth, when your dotard leader dribbles ten falsehoods out of his pie-hole before his morning cheeseburger?

And you’re going to do it by hoping everybody will flock to your #branded website?

Truly, Trumpism has seeped through the entire party. The whole thing is moldy. America needs to clean out its fridge.


This week: repugnican ‘war room’ against JComey.

Next week: repugnican ‘war room’ against PrAYN.


“The website is just one prong of the RNC’s attack plan, which also involves a ‘war room’ to respond to Comey’s TV appearances…”

Will the GRU be sending military advisors?


Ronna Romney McDaniel - the human embodiment of the fruit of the poisonous tree.


It’s both fascinating and repellent to watch a once-proud political party drive a stake through its own heart.

The GOP is going to spend a generation in the political wilderness because of its wholesale embrace of Trumpism—and because of the Republicans’ utter lack of respect for the US Constitution and the rule of law.

The GOP stopped being the party of Lincoln about 50 years ago.
Now it isn’t even the party of Reagan.
It’s just the party of Losers now.,


Streisand Effect, here we come!


These are literal snake like creatures who need to return to the rule of law and the Constitution they claimed to hold dear.

Otherwise they’re simply a bunch of traitors. And I mean that - traitors.


Did Comey hire the RNC to promote his book? If not, this free publicity from the RNC can only help his sales…


Well…there’s a pitfall for the Democrats. lets see how long it takes them to fall in. Comey is damn piece of shit. But the GOP’ers angle here is to play that liberal sentiment to their advantage. To lure Democrats that have a valid reason to despise Comey to the side of Republicans that don’t. I’m personally ecstatic Comey got the dues he was due and in the mega karma way he did. But I do hope the political left in America doesn’t buy into this GOP fox trying to con them out of the briars.

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The URL of the damn website is itself a Trumpian insult that probably was used at his direction. Childish and churlish at the same time. At this rate they’ll be hooting like baboons and literally flinging dung by November.


I think they may simply cease as a party if this goes as south as it seems to doing. GOP could end up being the Gaggle of Pariahs.


I don’t recall “Democrats” (or others) questioning Comey’s credibility in re. his Hillary takedown. His judgement, maybe. His political motive, political intent, and compliance with the DoJ’s “no thumb on the political scale during an election campaign” policies, absolutely. But not his credibility. This whole campaign seems designed to convert questions about one to questions about the other. Not working for me.


The fact that it’s not even proper English, that it’s “lyincomey.com” and not “lyingcomey.com”, is…

(kisses fingers like an Italian chef)


Sadly, no it won’t. As soon as the Democrats get into power, it all begins again. On healthcare, for example, as soon as a Medicare for all or public option is actually close to passing, they will vilify and demonize it all over again. Fume and lie about why it’s taking so long (look at how fast they cut taxes for corporations!), and exaggerate any mishap (i.e., ACA malfunction when it first began operations). The only hope is that some Republicans have seen through it by now, but we all know better.


Good damage control is not calling attention to a damaging topic in advance.

Trump must be calling the shots on this one himself. Doofus.


I think they’ve already got the hooting like baboons part locked down.


Come on. You know that pronouncing your “g’s” at the end of “ing” is for kale-eating elites, silly!


I think the odds that they’ll actually end up on the ash heap next to the Federalists and the Whigs are rising rapidly.

Their moral and intellectual bankruptcy has been clear for all with eyes to see since the disgraceful Schiavo pile-on. But you have to actively be jamming hot pokers in your eyes to avoid seeing it now.

It’s like “OMG! I just noticed that the other end of the uncoiling anchor rope flying off of the deck is tied around my neck! What should I do? Oh, I know, I’ll run up to the rope and jam my head through one of the coils!”

They survived Teapot Dome. They survived the Great Depression. They survived Nixon. They’ll probably survive this. But only because mindless, shambling zombies are hard to kill.


The juveniles running this RNC BS need to go back to Sesame Street and watch some of “One of These Things Is Not Like The Other” skits. Hubris and misprision of justice are not the same thing. And grabbing Democratic Commey anger is so stupid: will; will convince no one.,