Discussion: RNC Chair: GOP 'Cooked As A Party' If We Don't Win 2016 Election

Wow. A GREAT comeback !!!

History is always on your side when you make it up to suit you.


A rather empty threat given that the Latino Voting Unicorn has failed to push a national election in any measurable way. Despite the fact that Latinos may support left of center social issues, Hispanic culture is very conservative and borderline reactionary. Latinos are not a liberal voting panacea.

Theyā€™re cooked as a party if they do win. A policy of non-government is not rational for a nuclear power. Heck, Republicans canā€™t even manage Kansas.

How, why for what reasons has the GOP come to the brink of irrelevance while Mr. Priebus has been the RNC Chair?

ā€œDebateā€ is a much degraded term from the Lincoln-Douglas debates in the 1858 senate race. Since W, it seems reasonable to have a minimal expectation that the candidate for president should be able to articulate ideas with some clarity and demonstrate the ability to think on their feet. This would probably clear much of the nativist GOP field, but there must be functionally literate conservatives out there.

Here is Reginald Hunterā€™s take on Margaret Thatcher and the conservative mind set.


New recipes for the ā€˜EAtingYourOwnā€™ websiteā€¦

Cooking Your Party.

to the tune of Itā€™s My Party Iā€™ll Cry If I Want To---- tears are better than SeaSalt.

Think about that. Rinse has to know something, have some sort of inside info right?
If heā€™s even half telling the truth, then weā€™ve got these knuckleheads on the ropes. We are basically 13 months away from the knockout punch. We could be rid of the idiocy for a long, long time. The Repub plan of get dumber, meaner and whiter would be a proven failure once and for all.
Dude, Iā€™m getting my second wind, this is inspiring. We are going to win and I love that but slaying the conservative beast with the same fell swoop is better than the best scenario Iā€™ve ever imagined.
Rinse will be gone for failure to achieve all objectives and the idea of a Bush for anything will be rightfully dead. Teabaggers, if they survive the ordeal, will be part of Rinsesā€™ history lesson and money in politics will also take its place, meaning, it will still be there but it wonā€™t be the deciding factor, that too was a Republican idea gone wrong.

The next real leader of the Republican Party may not even be born yet. They have no one at the national level and donā€™t seem to be nurturing any new ā€˜young gunsā€™ for the leader of the Party position.
Truthfully, the Republican Party is dead, itā€™s the monsters below the surface that keep it afloat. Without the billionaires and the propagandized media, they would have expired circa Nov 5 2012. Barackā€™s re-election was hard on the majority of them.
The bought and paid for version of the Republican Party is what is on the chopping block at this point, the actual political Party that served a governmental purpose has been pushing up daisies for quite a while now.

The Republican Party; they have no speaker but they do have an empty chair to do the talking. How apropos!

Thatā€™s the strategy we need to focus on.

I just donā€™t understand why so many shift so easily to secessionist-talk or threaten to emigrate if so-and-so wins.

This is my country too, and I would not give it up without a hell of a fight! By whatever means necessary, up to and including ā€˜second amendment remediesā€™ (not that I desire that).

The modern conservative movement has demonstrated time and time again that they consist of nothing more than bullies and cowards. My grandpa taught me how to deal with that type long ago: stand your ground and they will always back down. Iā€™ve never had any reason to doubt that.

You mean to say he just realised this??? Most of the people I know have seen it coming for years! Even the Republicans I know are questioning what happened to the party. We see media coverage that suggests there is a portion of GOPers (Tea Partiers) who are calling all the shots now, but most average (middle ground) Republicans see them as just another group of fanatics. The GOP, in general, is a sick joke now, a mere shadow of what used to be a reasonably intelligent group of legislators. Yes indeed, if they donā€™t show some ability to govern soon, it is all over and the GOP will end up as just another footnote in history booksā€¦

This is how pathetic the Republicans think they are. They think they canā€™t get anything done unless they control all three branches of government.

Hey! I said that too!

if all else failsā€¦ How about a coup?